
My hamster keeps geting out of hurr cage and she goes into the wall

by  |  earlier

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my dad had 2 cut the wall open 2 get hurr out and she wont stop escaping (and its not that she'z bored cuz i play with hurr almost every day) wat shud i do 2 stop hurr from gettin out??...pleeze give alot of detailz




  1. Hamsters escape because of the pet owner's carelessness combined with their own intelligence to take advantage of the same.

    Most hamsters escape when -

    1. The cage door is not closed properly. In cases where the cage door does not sit into the hatch properly, it is good to use a small lock to hold it in place.

    2. The cage bars are widely spaced apart. This happens when you buy any general wire cages for hamsters without checking on the gaps between the wires. A hamster specific cage like Habitrail or Crittertrail has never faced the problem or else you can shift to a glass tank / bin cage or plastic cage to prevent this problem.

    3. When hamsters chew on the mesh top in aquarium cages and get out - make sure the mesh top is secured properly and is strong enough not to get chewed by the hamster

    4. When ill fitting tubes or tunnels in the exterior of the cage open up - make sure that the tubes / tunnels are secured in their grooves properly when fitting them.

    Once you have all the above points in check, your hamster cannot escape out of its cage.

  2. Well, you should get a new cage if you can.... but if you cant...

    Get a paperclip that is not coated with anything and wrap it around the door bars and the cage bars.

  3. sorry i find this really funny...

    Get a new cage perhaps!

  4. Please, try buying a better cage!!!!!!!! Give lots of TLC too. Hee hee!

  5. It's time to get a new cage.  Obviously the one you have isn't working for you.

    Also, I just noticed that Yahoo! Answers now has a nice feature to let you know if you've misspelled something.  Did you overlook that?

  6. definitly get a new cage

  7. Hamsters don't escape because they're bored, they'd do it anyway if there's an opportunity.

    Only solution is to be a decent cage!!!

  8. Ya my hasmter escaped into the insulation once.

    Study the cage for a while and if you don't see an opening watch your hamster nonstop or put a video camera by your hasmter and see where she escapes Good luck

  9. Maybe you should now try a new cage. She wouldn't get bored. The most likely reason I can think of is that she's feeling an opportunity to get free. If you do get a cage make sure it's bigger. Your hamster may feel that she doesn't have enough space in her cage? Good luck with finding a good solution :)  

  10. my hamster did that all the time you may want to put a lock where the door closes or buy a new cage and inspect the cage first

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