
My hamster!! please <span title="answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span> HELP!?

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my hamster has dandruff and dry skin is there a way to treat that?




  1. Just a thought here - what type of bedding are you using in his cage? It might be a sensitivity or allergy to the bedding. For example - I never use the cedar shavings. Although they smell nice, sometimes all those aromatic oils can irritate the skin of our pets. I have mice and rats and only use pine shavings. I&#039;ve also seen what appear to be little paper pellets. You could try changing the bedding first. Hmm, now that I think of it, check the type of food you&#039;re feeding him too. I suppose small animals could have a reaction to certain foods just like people. Are you using commercially prepared food or just feeding him goodies from home?

    Is he scratching a lot? Maybe he&#039;s picked up some little skin parasites that could be bothering him. You&#039;d have to take him to a vet for a skin scrape test. But try the bedding first.

    Also, if you wash your hamster. Stop right away. Hamsters have oils in their fur that are needed. IF you want a clean hammie, try getting chinchilla sand, don&#039;t get the dust, it can cause upper respritory problems.

    Good Luck!

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