
My hamster seems bored.. what can i make her for her to play with and be happy?

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My hamster seems bored.. what can i make her for her to play with and be happy?




  1. First of all you need to put a comma between herCOMMA for her to be happy.

    Just get rid of it. Your a boring person, thats why it looks bored.

  2. anything for her to chew on will be fun for her.  I give mine toilet paper rolls and cardboard boxes.  I cut holes in cereal boxes for mine to crawl in and out of. also if you dont have a wheel or a ball those can keep her busy.


  4. Make sure you keep an eye on her:

    You could purchase an exercise ball (the ones where you put the hamster inside so they can run around)

    Or you could close in a small section on the floor, and use legos or anything really to make a little maze/play place for her. You could occasionally hide treats (small pieces of fresh fruit) in places for her to munch on.

    Getting a new cage with cool tunnels and stuff always is exciting.

  5. you could make her one of those ball things 4 her 2 run around in i kno my old hamster loved it <3

  6. Did you get it a hamster wheel? this is not an optional item. hamsters needs exercise. And don't get a hamster wheel that has steps like ladders. Its dangerous for hamsters and they may get stuck in it and break bones.

    Get the solid wheels.

    And give them toilet paper rolls.

    Oh yea, dont worry if your hamster in not active during the day. They're nocturnal

  7. Hamster's are very curious and checking out new areas makes them the happiest!  Let your Hammie investigate a safe area of your house, somewhere Hamster proof. I typically let my Hamster run around my bathroom or in my shower. Just make sure there is nothing around that he/she could stuff in his/her cheeks!!!

  8. A hamster wheel

  9. a.) a wheel ..and or rolly ball thing

    b.)drag a spoon around on the ground.. they like the shininess

    c.)let them crawl in and out of a paper towel roll

  10. Hamsters get bored of doing the same thing everyday just like us humans. Creativity is the key to making them play actively everyday.

    Some simple tricks are -

    Spread her food and hide treats in her bedding instead of putting food in a food dish. This would make her burrow and search for food instead of eating mechanically from her food dish.

    Give her a variety of toys to play with. By toys, I do not mean the expensive ones you get in pet shops. Your hammy would be equally or more happy with inane things like empty toilet toll tubes, toothpaste cartons with flaps cut off or even hollowed out plastic balls (non toxic plastic should be used). I even remove the base of Starbucks coffee cups to make simple tunnels for my hamsters.

    Make a hamster proof room area where she can roam around freely with no danger of escaping. I use the bath tub in my house - dry it out completely, plug the drain hole and make her roam in the tub. To make it even more interesting, put some toys and maybe a stand alone exercise wheel there and leave her there for 20 minutes and watch her have fun.It is also a good way to interact and play with her too.

    Remember variety is the key to a healthy and active hamster.

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