
My hamster sleeps soo much?

by  |  earlier

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I know that hamters like to sleep in the day, and run around in the night.

Well i bought my teddy bear hamster today, and he doesn't wake up even if i gently poke him or move his cage

I'm guessing that i should just leave him alone?

What do i do?




  1. Leave him alone for now.  He just needs to adjust to his new surroundings.  My hamsters is nocturnal but sometimes I will find her up when she should be asleep and asleep when she should be up.  I love the teddy bears.  I used to have one.  Now I have a fancy bear and she is a sweetheart.  My Chinchilla is supposed to be nocturnal and he is always up.

  2. Yup, leave him alone.  Hamsters are active early morning and late afternoon.  With all the fuss of moving etc. I bet he is plain tuckered out.  

    Will assume that you can confirm that he is still alive (he is warm and you can see him breathing)

  3. dont worry about it if you leave him alone for a few days he will get into the swing of things . remember he just had a life changing experience! ( :

  4. hes stressed out by moving. yep, just leave him alone, he will come out eventally and will act more friendly in the next to or three days.  Good luck with your new hamster!!!

  5. Each hamster has a different personality. Some hamsters are active for few hours during the day time and some hamsters are active only in the night or early hours of the morning.

    Some hamsters are too shy to come out of their cages when there is activity in the house. They only come out their nests when the house is dark and quiet. Hence many people think that their hamsters are only sleeping all the time, when actually the hamsters are active when the people are sleeping!

    Also if your hamster is new to your house, he would definitely be inactive for the first few days until he gets used to his new surroundings.

    The best way to find this out is to switch off all the lights and keep the home quiet. Wait near the cage for half an hour after the lights are out and you can definitely see your hamster coming out to play and eat.

    If you think that he is still lethargic and if there are other signs of sickness like not eating properly, not drinking enough water, not peeing and pooping properly, fur does not look healthy etc., then it is better to take him to a vet for opinion.

    If everything looks fine, then don't worry, He is just going through an adjustment phase. If you want to make him active, put him in his hamster ball for 20 minutes every evening or play with him in a hamster proof area of your house so that he gets the necesscary exercise and will also start feeling more active.

  6. just leave him and poke him only at ten pm.

  7. if u poke him and he does move, thats not good. they should always move when you poke them!! he could be sick. I would take him to the vet because this isnt healthy

  8. Just got him?

    Ah, he's just tired, sweetie. (:  No problem there.  Moving and everything is kind of stressful for a hamster, no matter what.  Even if he doesn't do anything, I'm sure it's exhausting to get used to the new sights and smells around your house.  (:

    I'm sure, when you're not looking, he gets up and walks around, eats, and does things.  In a few more days, you'll probably notice him getting up and about more.  

    I mean, it probably won't hurt to pick him up when he's like that.  If he doesn't act defensive, I would recommend it because it'll help him get used to you holding him.  With any hamster, the more often it's held, the more it'll be comfortable being held.  ^^ Just be careful, you don't want it to wake up from a food dream and see your finger.  He might bite you then.

    If he doesn't pick up the pace, he might be sick.  Before your nine or ten days is up, take him back to the pet store.  Sadly, it's not worth taking them to a vet because the office visit will usually cost $40.  You can wait it out if you're super serious about your hamster or return him.  

    If you have any further questions, feel free to email me. (:

  9. They are nocturnal like you said.

    Hamsters have to take time to adapt to their new surroundings.

    You should not associate with the hamster until 24 hours after the adoption.

    Im sure hes a little stressed and the best thing is sleep.

    Dont worry your hamster is okay.


  10. nocturnal

    if hes still not awake during night

    gently blow on him

    still not waking p

    gently pick hm up

    and take him to the vet

  11. It could be sick, I once got a hamster that didn't move around much and I had just bought it.  I picked it up and discovered it had wet tail.  U can look up wet tail, its easy to identify if it has it.  I was able to cure my hamster without visiting a vet and it lived a good long life.  However, if it does have wet tail you need to get it medicine from the pet shop ASAP.

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