
My hamster was stuck in a glue trap and chewed her way out. her feet are red and swollen what do i do?

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My hamster was stuck in a glue trap and chewed her way out. her feet are red and swollen what do i do?




  1. Take her to a vet rightaway. Do not wait for it to become alright on its own or put any home medicines on the wounds.

    Hamsters' feet are very sensitive since they use it all the time for all their activities. If she goes around playing and walking with her swollen feet, she is definitely going to get her legs into more trouble.

    The vet would provide the right antibiotics to prevent any infections to her feet and probably bandage them so that she does not stress her feet till the wounds heal.

    Remove all wood shavings from her cage and provide her with only soft untreated / unbleached toilet paper bedding for a few days until her feet heals.

    Remove the exercise wheel from her cage so that she does not run on it and make her feet injury even worse.

    Feed her some extra protein in the form of bits of hard boiled egg and cheese apart from her normal food. Add a few vitamin drops (available in all pet shops) in her water to augment her health during this time.

    Once the vet has prescribed medicines and bandaged her feet, keep her confined only to the ground floor of her cage so that she does not climb up and hurt herself more. You can exercise her in her hamster ball everyday to make up for the lack of the wheel in her cage.

    If her current cage is a wire cage, try to put her some other temporary bin or plastic cage till she gets alright since she might still try to climb the wires of the cage and hurt herself more.

    Hope your hammy gets well soon!

  2. How did she get stuck in the trap?

    Take her to the vet if it doesn't improve in 48 hrs!

  3. call the vet and see if they have any advice for you.

  4. Take her to the vet or at least call the vet to see if they can help her.

  5. Yeah, you have to take her to the vet asap.  She's probably in pain.

  6. Why was your hamster in a glue trap? I feel that a hamster should always be in its cage and not on the loose.  It is so little that it can get into a lot of trouble.  A great thing if you want it to have freedom is an exercise ball.  I would try and get the glue off with soap and water.  Tomorrow I would call the vet.

  7. Hey Hamster lover,

         This is Tony V in USA you shouls wah the animals feet with mild soap and warm water. Possibly the chemicals in the trap have irritated her feet, along with struggling to free herself. Apply some type of antibiotic ointment to her feet. Neosporin, bacatracin, etc... If she does not improve in 48 hrs, its vet time Ok? peace 2 U TV

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