
My hamster watched me open its cage and now will not stop biting the door!Ive alrdy tried a fish tank. HELP!

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I kind of feel bad but i did not want her to escape in my house and sense she wants to be free anyway i put her cage on my front poarch for the night. So if she does escape my parents won't freak out. But she starting to become mean (probably from being frustrated) and I just don't know what to do!




  1. You realy should start handling her more often, and it would be a good idea to get her some new toys to keep her busy

  2. Give her more time out of her cage. Play with her and if you have one of those little ball things that lets them run around, let her play in that for a while

  3. Biting cage bars does not signify that the hamster wants to escape. It signifies that she is bored and wants to be active.

    Hamsters get bored of doing the same thing everyday just like us humans. Creativity is the key to making them play actively everyday.

    Some simple tricks are -

    Spread her food and hide treats in her bedding instead of putting food in a food dish. This would make her burrow and search for food instead of eating mechanically from her food dish.

    Each time you arrange the cage after cleaning, arrange things differently from the last time. This would make it more interesting for your hamster to look around and rediscover things in the cage again and make her more active.

    Give her a variety of toys to play with. By toys, I do not mean the expensive ones you get in pet shops. Your hammy would be equally or more happy with inane things like empty toilet toll tubes, toothpaste cartons with flaps cut off or even hollowed out plastic balls (non toxic plastic should be used).

    Make a hamster proof room area where she can roam around freely with no danger of escaping. I use the bath tub in my house - dry it out completely, plug the drain hole and make her roam in the tub. To make it even more interesting, put some toys and maybe a stand alone exercise wheel there and leave her there for 20 minutes and watch her have fun.It is also a good way to interact and play with her too.

    Put her everyday for 20 minutes in her hamster ball to exercise her.

    Also, do not put the cage outside the house since the variations of temperature outdoors and wind drafts can be harmful and cause respiratory infections to a tamed hamster.

    And if you are still scared about her escaping through the wire cage door, you can use a small lock to lock the cage door before you go to sleep every night.

  4. You should get her a bigger cage and a friend.  That way she has more room to run around and someone to play with.  She could just be lonely.

  5. play with her, give her more time with you out of her cage, give her lots of toys, and give her treats and fruits and stuff that should help. I had the same problem and i did all of the stuff i just listed and now Cheeks doesn't chew on her cage...hope that helps:)

  6. My hamster tried escaping every day.  The weird thing was that she actually loved her cage - whenever I took her out she always got excited and would climb in by herself.  I figured that she just got bored in the evening and the only things to keep her occupied were to run on her wheel, eat, and chew visciously on the bars.  I wouldn't worry about it.  If you want, you can get bitter apple spray from pet stores to spray where she bites.  It might help.

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