
My hamster will not stop itching!!!?

by Guest55953  |  earlier

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ok so last night about 10:45 my hamster came out was like "hopping " around and itching ALOT and i know something is wrong...he kept itching for about 15 mins in his cage and then i took him out and i know they he will NEVER stop moving when i have in my lap or on the ground but he did and starting itching AGAIN for about 5 mins and then rolled off somewhere else to itch. PLEASE HELP ME! i think he might have mites, fleas or ticks. i know its not the bedding cause we have been using that bedding for the year and a half we have had him! PLEASE HELP ME OUT i love him to death and would really appreciate someones help!!!





  1. You're probably right about the mites or fleas, moreso about mites. You need a powder or liquid gel to take care of them usually sold in your local pet shop.

  2. Gently ruffle his fur backwards. Any ticks will be disturbed. You will have to take him to the vet, and get a treatment for him. To prevent this from happening again, provide him with a varied diet, clean his cage more often, wash your hands before and after handling him, and keep him away from other animals.

  3. Something could be wrong, in that case take him to the vet,it doen't have to be righ away, but the sooner the better.But don't forget, hamsters are clean animals, so he may just be grooming himself.He may be allergec to something, did you change were his cage is or a new kind of bedding? If you know something is wrong, and you didn't change  ANYTHING, then i would take him to the vet asap.

  4. You should buy some itch cream for your hamster which you can get at your local vet or your local pet's store. I suggest you take your hamster for a bath that will ease the itching.Well good luck with your hamster and try to get some medication for your hamster.Good luck!

  5. You dont have to take it to the vet immidiatly!!!  Thats just the easiest way to get an answer put in this question. its not serious, but it could get sevieor later if nothing is done.  check him, if it were ticksor fleas, you would know it imediatly!!!  Ticks are HUGE compared to hamsters. it looks like a huge bump on the side of their head!!!  feal him to make sure.

        it also could be mites. check to see if he has any rashes. they look like little  black things on the fur. if he does...  then you need to go to the pet store to get something to take care of them.  when my hammy had miter, they gave me a shampoo and they were gone in a week!!  there also is a spray that u can use...

        Hope my answer helped you.  You dont have to take him to the vet immediatly!!  just calm down...


  6. it has fleas take it to the VET imediatly

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