
My hamster (winter white) appears ill, can you help me figure out what is wrong?

by  |  earlier

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She has moved out of her bed and into the opposite corner (right next to where she wees) and hasn't taken her bedding with her. She has spent two days curled up in this new corner and her breathing looks heavy. She also has one eye virtually shut and her pouch on the same side looks swollen. She didn't do anything last night (I kept her next to my bed so I would hear if she got up).




  1. take her to the friggin' vet, genius

  2. Hamsters can get an abcess in there cheek pocket.  With an abcess you will see swelling on one side, and they will sometimes not open the eye on the side of the infection.  If she does have an abcess then she needs to be treated by a vet.  The vet may want to flush out all the infection and put her on antibiotics to clear it all the way up.  If abcesses in hamsters are not treated there is a high risk they will die, they often don't eat or drink with a cheek abcess because it is painful.  I would take her in to a vet as soon as you can.

  3. idk?....bring her/him to a vet?

  4. I have a winter white, and the thing about dwarf hamsters is they get ill/infections really easily. Once they get ill, it is extremely hard to get them better. If she is peeing alot or drinking alot of water she may have diabetes/ UTI. But dont attempt to diagnose the problem yourself. It sounds like she has something that seriously needs to be seen by a professional and most vets have very reasonable rates for hamsters. It is best to transport her in her own cage, put a blanket over it to prevent a draft during travel. Take her toys out and clean her food bowl and water bottle extrememly well before putting it back in. Make sure she has fresh cool water everyday. Get her to the vet asap.

  5. try taking her to the vet, or local pet shop.Or you could google it and get more info.If you are very concerned, try taking her to the vet and be very gentle.          :)      ~natalie

  6. Hi!

    She could probably develop an abscess. Unfortunately, this affection is very common among hamsters. If they ate something with sharp thorns they could perforate their pouches and not be able to eat. The wound will cause an infection and will need immediately vet treatment to avoid any complications. Sometimes he whole side wide the abscess is swollen, including the eye.

    Here you may find some additional info about abscesses in hamsters.

    Did she ate something or drank water last night? If not, go to the vet ASAP because she is in danger. She can not survive long without at least drinking water.

    Good luck with your hamster. I do hope she gets well.

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