
My hamster won't eat, drink, or play on its wheel?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a Russian Dwarf hamster today, and so far I haven't seen it eat any of its food, drink the water, or even attempt to play on the wheel. I'm guessing its still trying to adjust to its cage, but I'm still concerned of why it isn't eating at all. Also, I'm thinking my hamster is not nocternal, because it's about 9:15pm, and she is still sleeping?




  1. i would take it to the vet

  2. Yes you are right, he will take time too adjust to his new surroundings. He will be a bit apprehensive because it is strange territory to him, once he has had time to explore and mark that territory he will be fine. As long as he is healthy he will eat when he is ready. Hamsters aren't nocturnal, they are crepuscular meaning they are most active in low levels of light, like as in late evening and early morning. Give him 2 - 3 days and he should be o.k.

  3. he might be stressed from moving. u should let him adjust  to his new home.

  4. it may be sick, or n ot used to its environment yet more likely.  This breed is not known to be very friendly like the Syrians are.

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