
My hamster won't stop gnawing, suggestions please?

by  |  earlier

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She has taken to doing a sort of monkey-bar climb on the bars in the roof of her cage (the only bars in the cage) and has gnawed most of the paint off. It's annoying, but I'm concerned it's not good for her and it's certainly not good for the cage. It feels like I've tried everything. She has several chewing toys in her cage and I have put lemon juice on the bars. She just seems to have developed a taste for it! Weird little rodent.

Is there anything else I can try? I wouldn't mind so much (aside the aforementioned) but I so badly want to sleep.




  1. wow the same thingg iis happaning to mii tou should call the pet store and ask if they have anythinthat might make them stop   e-mail me plz

    hope u make it stop=)

  2. Hamsters MUST chew or the bottom teeth will literally grow through the roof of their mouths. That's how God created them. And you did not say she had anything else to chew on. She must have hamster chewers,wood. etc.

    Try something called "Bitter Apple" its made to keep animals from chewing electric cords furniture,etc. For her cage bars you can get it on line try I think it come in a spray and gel form. Best of Luck :)

  3. Climbing on the bar cages signifies a hyperactive hamster which is a positive sign that your hamster is a healthy hamster.

    Hamsters gnaw on things since their teeth keep growing throughout their lifetime and if they do not gnaw, long teeth can cause health problems to them.

    Hamsters can also gnaw on cage bars if they are bored or of they don't have much tunnels or space in the cage to move around. It is their answer to whiling away boredom.

    So you can check her cage to see if there is enough space and enough toys for her to play. I don't mean expensive toys from shops, things as simple as toilet roll tubes and toothpaste cartons with their flaps removed make interesting toys for your hamster.

    Hard dog biscuits can also be given to your hamster for biting, it might take her mind off the cage bars. These biscuits have a high success rate since hamsters just fall in love with them.

    However if she does not stop her obssessive chewing of the cage bars, then you can try applying the stuff on cage bars that many pet shops (check at your nearest pet shop) sell to put off hammies from biting the bars.

  4. my hamster does the same thing it isn't really bad for them as it stops their teeth from growing into their gums by grinding them down

    however i understand how annoying it is as my hamster sleeps in my room and used to wake me up lots

    i have tried many different things one of the most effective things for my hamster was dried mini corn on the cobs they are small corn on the cobs that have been cooked or something so they just look like popcorn kernels on a cob. i would give one to my hamster before i go to bed which is about when they wake up and it would take him ages to pull off the kernels from the cob and then eat them which stops them biting the bars for a while (enough time to let you fall asleep anyway)

    however my hamster has now grown out of it as he realised he wasnt getting anywhere, so yours might too soon.

  5. if i were you i would get an aquarium.  an aquarim  elimimates that problem and they are cheap (10 dollars).

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