
My hamster wont let me pet her. Why is she so mean?

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I just got a hamster yesterday and when I try to pet her she starts to like squeal and this morning I tried to pet her again and she tries to bite me. What should i do I don't want to have a mean hamster like that. I really want it to be nice. My hamster is a longhaired hamster.




  1. It's very normal since your hamster is still very afraid of you.... it usually takes at least 4 months until it is 100% tame to you.  You should be very patient.  In order to have your hamster to trust you, you should occasionally give him treats and avoid handling him until he will gain trust in you and will come on your hands on his own. This usually takes days or even months! Patience is an important factor. Also, to avoid any bites from your hamster, make sure that you wash your hands well after handling any food or else the hamster could bite you, (as the hamster would think that your hand is food!).

  2. your hamster probably isn't used to you yet. try hand feeding her something a couple times and hopefully she'll soften up to you.

  3. She isn't being mean.  She is just scared of you.  She doesn't know you well enough yet.  If you just got her the best thing you can do right now is to let her settle in to her new home.  Hamsters get stressed in new environments and need time to get used to a new cage.  They also feel stress after you change their cage and need time to settle in then too.  

    After a few days just start off by talking to her in a gentle tone of voice, leaving your hand still in the cage so she gets to know your scent, and try to hand feed her some food.  After you have done that a few times gently try to pick her up but if she runs away don't force the issue.  If she runs then don't pick her up.  See if she will walk into your hand first.  If she will remain still gently scoop her up.  

    Sometimes it takes a while to earn your hamsters trust.  All of my new hamsters were skittish around me for the first week.  She just needs to settle into her new home and get used to you.  

    Is she a longhaired Syrian?  Syrians are very friendly but very skittish when they aren't used to you.  I just got a new Syrian last week.  She is taking more time to get to know me but we are both working on that!

  4. Well its adjusting. My Hamster used to do that so I would pet it everyday and I let it know that biting me won't get it anywhere. You should pick it up everyday and get it used to being held. Most pet stores don't handle their pets so they turn out like that.

    If you just got it yesterday then let it be for a little while, so it can get used to were ever your keeping it.

    Hope this helped.

  5. Put a hamster treat on your hand, like even cereal like Cheerios but none with sugar in it.  You could use corn flakes, or rice crispies.  She is too scared and too new.  She hasn't even adjusted to her cage yet.  It is just too soon to be petting her.  Put yourself in her place.  A new cage, a new home, she doesn't even know you.  Keep your hands out of the cage for a few days and just talk to her OK?  I have had many many hamster and I know.

  6. Well the reason she is being mean to you is because she is scared of you. Here's what you should do. Tame Your Hamster! Here's how.

    Day 1 & 2: let your hamster be alone. Let her get used to her cage. The only time you should open her cage door is to feed and water her.

    Day 3: have some fresh food like apple or banana in your hand. slowly open your hamsters cage and just leave it on the cage floor. Take your hand out and watch your hamster eat.

    Day 4: Repeat day 3

    Day 5: Repeat day 3

    Day 6: Place fresh food in the cage floor and leave your hand in the cage 9 make it into a fist, this gives less things for your hamster to grab and bite) while your hamster eats. If she runs away go back to day 3 for day seven.

    Day 7: Repeat day six.

    Now your hamster should know that the hand brings food and the hand is good.

    Day 8: Let your hamster eat the fresh food  right out of your hand.

    Day 9: Repeat day 8

    Day 10: When your hamster is eating the food, slowly pick her up from her cage.

    Day 11: Repeat day 10

    Day 12: When your hamster is eating slowly pick her up and this time take her out of the cage. If she bites, put her back in her cage slowly fo a couple of to cool down then try.

    Day 13: Repeat day 12

    Day 14: Repeat day 12

    Congratulations! Now your hamster will be tamsed and will not bite you when you take her out to play. Make sure you only take her out to play in the night after 8 or so because hamsters are nocternal.

    WARNING: Do not rush the taming process or you can loose your hamaster's trust forever.

    Have fun. Hope I helped :D

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