
My hamsters just had babies what do i do???

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hi my hamster just had babies whem i was a sleep and when i woke up my hamster chges was all mest up the babieswere seperated from there mom!!!! is that good (i think it was like that so the mom wont eat the babies??




  1. Separate moms from babies,

    And if you don't wanna keep the babies see if some friends want to keep em.

  2. just keep calm =). leave the babyies were they are but watch them all the time, if mom shows agresstion to babies then i would sugesst moving mom or them and hand rearing them. good luck =).

  3. When the female hamster gives birth, it is very important not to touch the nest or babies and avoid cleaning the cage for the first 3 weeks or else the female hamster could panic and kill the hamster babies. If it is really necessary to 'clean' a cage area while the mother hamster is nursing her babies, you should only use a small piece of tissue to 'clean' the cage but avoid touching the nest area. Provide additional bread soaked in milk in a small food bowl for the mother hamster and babies as this will provided extra protein for these hamsters. The babies can be separated from the mother hamster when they are 4 weeks old as they become sexully mature.

    Kindest Regards

    Nadia Vella

  4. don't touch them and don't take them away from the mom just feed and give her water don't take her out of her cage and that about all !

    hope i could be a help.

  5. Get cigars

  6. Anna M is right on, listen to her. But here's a suggestion you could give them a dish with oatmeal mixed with a little bit of milk the Mom will love it and the babies will eat it before they eat real solid hamster food.

    oh and if you need any names: Oreo, Peachy, Kiwi, Cocoa,Jason,Nemo, Nado,Cracker Jack,Pumkin, Twisty,Chippy, Pippin,Phip, Scampi.

  7. DO NOT SEPARATE THEM FROM MOM!!! And do NOT touch the babies. If you do, the human scent will get on them and the mom will eat them. The mom will eventually gather them all up. You can't touch the babies until 2 weeks of age. This means you can't clean the cage for 2 weeks. You will just have to deal with it because it is not unhealthy for them to live like that as long as it's not a regular thing. Then you can hold the all you want, but they CANNOT be taken away from their mom until 4 weeks. At 4 weeks, separate the boys and girls into different cages (boys have big you-know-whats.) If you got your hamster from the pet store and she was pregnant there, you can take them to the pet store when they're about 4-7 weeks and tell them that the hamster you brought was pregnant. They will most likely take the babies and sell them :)

    Good luck. Just remember not to touch the babies until they're 2 weeks old and DON'T separate them from their mom or they'll die because they need milk :)

  8. Well what ever you do, do not touch the babies. If the babies are seperated from don't worry, the mother will go over and collect her babies. Make sure you make little noise as possible near the mother's cage. Do not disturb the mother unless your changing food and water. I hope this will help.

  9. roast the babies and eat them before the mom does

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