
My hamsters p**p is light brown but it doesnt have wet tail?

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well my hamster is about 5weeks old and his poo was dark color like it usally is ...but now its light brown and soft...but he looks find he's always running on his wheel alll night none stop sometimes i cant even sleep...but im worried that maybe he is gonna get wet tail can some please help me!




  1. You don't have anything to worry about.  Only when your hamster gets wet tail, is lethargic, or isn't eating is when you should worry.  Consider that he is still a baby, and is just starting to become active, so perhaps this sudden increased activity is the culprit?

    Get some sleep and let your hamster run on his wheel.  Also, ask a vet or a pet store about this, the best foods for hamsters, and medicines for when/if they get dry tail.  Pet stores do carry this medicine.

  2. dont worry...clean his cage and keep it quiet to prevent wet tail.too much noise can cause stress and will cause it as well as a dirty cage will.

    take good care of your hamster and keep him nice and healthy.

    if your too concerned take him to the vet.he will be able to help you

  3. hamsters p**p are light brown :P

  4. dont worry i have a hamster that happens all the time you may have given him/her to many treats to be sure just go to your nearest pet store or a vet hope i helped:)

  5. dont worry hes fine :]

  6. It is normal and better if hamster run a lot in their wheel so to solve that problem u could put your hamster in a different room for the night or just keep him there for a while and see how u sleep that way. My hamster had a bit of wet tail for a while and i just cleaned her cage more often and gave her some yogurt treats and it has worked well for a while.

  7. Wet tail is from not properly taking care of your little hamsters cage.  You have to clean the cage every week.  You need to make sure they have good bedding.  Care fresh or aspen is recommended.  Wet tail is a killer and can be cured if caught early.  Signs are a fowl smell of f***s.  There tail and underlying body will be wet and look almost like urine but it isn't.  The disease itself doesn't kill them it is dehydration.  If your pet gets this, the first thing you do/ clean the cage.  Make sure dry.  Then immediately change his/her diet from seed to lab blocks, dried oatmeal, and carrots.  By some pedia lyte water to replace the hamsters water.  If caught early enough this will be the best defense.  You also will need to go get medication from the petstore that deals with wet tail.  Or see the vet and they will give you Sulfar.  As long as you have good ventilation for your animal and you keep up with the cage, you should have no problems.

  8. wet tail is caused by stress, so unless you put him thru something that put stress on him then he shouldnt have wet tail.  As for the poo it was just caused but some moist food he ate   such as a carrot or fruit.

  9. Meh.

  10. hamsters are nocturnal......they are suppose to run on their wheel al night

  11. just means uve changed the diet it is natural for him to run oh his wheel at night hamsters can run on a wheel up to 95 miles a night

  12. Hamsters are nocturnal and love their wheels so that is normal.  Rub a little vaseline on the axel to make it queter and make sure it doesn't rub on anything.  If it is still too noisy then put the hamster in another room at night.  

    It sounds like your hamster has mild diarrheoa (not wet tail).  Stop feeding him any fresh food or treats (just stick to hamster mix) untill he is better.  If you introduce any new foods do it in small amounts and only feed fresh fruit or veggies every other day.


  14. My hamsters poo was dark but turned bright too but it started after I changed the brand of my hamster's food.I think it's getting darker now.

  15. don't worry about the wheel. Sometimes hamsters will run 8 miles on there wheel if they get the chance. Just because his p**p is soft and light brown doesn't always mean wet tail. It may just be cause he is being fed a different brand of food. my hamster did that too when i first got it he got over it. but just in case keep an eye out for it. and if it does turn out to have wet tail, take it to the vet immediately. they can treat it. sometimes it does or doesn't work. but part of the reason that they die from wet tail is that it is runny so it takes more and more fluids out of its body. then they die from dehydration. When they feel this bad they aren't going to walk all the way up to there water bottle to drink. So if it does turn out that he does have wet tail. put the water bottle down lower by where he sleeps. or hold it there every so often. but keep in mind he will be going to the bathroom a lot so you may want to give him water a lot.

  16. it might have something to do with what he is eating.  if he is very active chances are he does not have wet tail.  from my experience with wet tail they generally are lethargic, eat very little, and drink very little.  i don't think it's anything to be concerned about.  

    just keep an eye on him and make sure you clean his cage out well once a week.  activity is usually a good sign of health from my experiences.  it's probably just what he is eating.

  17. my hamster was eating saw dust with his food then his dropings were light brown and my hammy was fine

  18. WetTail is caused by unhealthy living environments or over-stress. If your hamster suffers neither, it's probably just getting too many fiber-filled things. Do you give it a lot of fruit? If so, cut back to maybe a half a grape every week; or a few minced apple cubes every 4-7 days.

    Also check your food brand to see if it has a lot of fiber. Hamsters need more protein then any other rodent because of their high metabolism's. Buy a protein-rich hamster food if you must, and give them a little bit of milk-soaked bread of peanut-butter on a seed as treats.

    If your worried about WetTail anyway; which is natural with such a young little guy; go to a Petco or Petland (My Petco doesn't have any) and but DryTail liquid drops. Apple the listed amount to the water bottle every day for 3-8 days and it should all be cleared up.

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