
My hamsters wheel.?

by Guest32615  |  earlier

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My hamsters wont use there wheel.Wut do I do.My cage is a crittertrail 2.




  1. If your hamster is new to his cage, he would take some time to get used to the cage. Once he is familiar with his surroundings, he would start exploring and discover the wheel.

    However some hamsters are not known for taking to the wheel like normal hamsters too. They used it for storing their bedding or sleeping. In such cases, you have to compensate for the inactivity by putting your hamster in a hamster ball for 20 minutes everyday to keep it active.

    Another way to encourage your hamster to use the wheel is to keep treats on it so that he is encouraged to climb onto the wheel.

    Also check if the wheel is amiable for the hamster. Is it the moulded type or the wire type. Some hamsters hate the wire type since their legs get caught in the gaps of the wires. Also check if the size of the wheel is right for the hamster. If the wheel is small, it would be uncomfortable and the hamster may not take to it.

  2. same what kelsea said

  3. I dunno about yours

    But the moment i put my new hamster in its cage, went right to the wheel

    Maybe it needs to adapt

    Or maybe if they get too old, they get lazy xD

  4. If your hamster wont use it give it some time. It might not like to run. But it also might take him/her some time to get use to its cage if its new.

  5. Give it some time, and surely it'll get in it eventually.

    Or it might end up being like my brothers and use it for a bed. And then it used it to exscape.

    Crafty little man.

  6. what sort of questions that? if they dont want to use it  you cant make them

  7. put them inside it and let them figure out how to get back out. then they'll figure out how to get back in--if they're smart.. just give them time, like, a LOT of time.

  8. did you just get them? if so they need to get used to their surrondings.  they will eveuantully use it.

  9. i promise you hamster will be fine, this is common, if this is his new home he probably just needs to settle in. if you think that he has been in his home long enough, then place him in the wheel showing him what it is, let him barely swing back and forth on it. but what i would do is buy the crittertrail snap on comfort wheel that snaps on the outside of the cage or to the end of a tube. it will be something new to his cage that he will investigate, and since he has to walk into the wheel, he will figure it out.

    $7 dollars, but shipping is kind of expensive
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