
My hand is bleeding and I can't make it stop!Help!

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It was just a small cut from the base of my hand to that part just below the thumb. I sliced it on a saw that someone had in a cardboard box. It didn't really hurt(I didn't notice until I saw blood on my shirt) I have tried everything I know of to make it stop bleeding; holding it above my head, putting pressure on it, submerging it in water(but I think that makes it bleed more I'm not sure). The blood has soaked through 3 wash cloths and I have no bandages. There is so much of it coming out and it's getting everywhere! I'm home by myself what should I do?




  1. Go to the doctor! Call some one to take you to emergency care!!!


  3. get a cloth and wrap it around your hand. use tape to hold it in place.

    get some ice and put it in a bag. hold it to your hand.

  4. Keep applying ice to it and pressure. The part that you cut is tender with many capillaries. Once you get the bleeding stopped, pour white sugar on the cut and it will help heal as well as stop such profuse bleeding. If you have any cotton, put it over the cut, then wrap it tightly with some bandage, and that will at least allow you to move freely and not apply pressure with your other hand. I hope after you cut it that you applied some peroxide over the cut. It doesn't hurt, it cleanses and washes away dirt and germs. Keep that hand and arm elevated as much as possible. Leaving it hang down will just allow more blood to flow to the cut, If you don't have any bandages, use a clean sock (Long one) and wrap the cotton with it. Put lots of cotton over the cut which will act as a pressure bandage once it is tied down with the sock or under shirt or what ever you have to make a wrap. If you can't get it stopped, better try getting hold of your parents who will know what to do, or a neighbor. Best to you young lady and I hope you get the bleeding stopped. The blood looks worse than what it really is, so don't be afraid. You haven't cut a vein or artery, just a capillary. Good luck.

  5. call your parents!!! or a neighbor. get someone there.

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