
My hand itches so bad ,most of the time at night ,i scratch it a few seconds and it comes and goes.on my palm.

by  |  earlier

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and its been goin on for a while i cant see a dermatologist or a doctor yet.i just want to know what it is and the seriousness of this itch,i look at my palms and i can see very little things there i dont know what to name them but they r small but i can find them with my eyes....anyway its like right in the center of my palm mostly my left palm but also now my right palm cuz i rub them together.....i havent applied ne itch cream or nething but i want it to go away what could this be? scabies? i tried googling but cant seem to find an answer.thanks




  1. If this is scabies you need to pay your Pharmacist a visit fairly quickly, and they may be able to help if it's not. If you will be embarrassed at asking over a counter then visit your Doctor or the Practise Nurse.

    Scabies are very Small mites that burrow into your skin causing intense itching and they are particularly active at night. You will need to be very careful with hand cleaning and don't shake hands with anyone as the little beggars are easily transmitted to other people. It is,however, unusual for scabies to attack the palms because the skin is harder there and easier to go for the back of the hand where the skin is easier to burrow into. The mites leave like pencil line marks under the skin - don't worry they disappear in time when you've got rid of the mites

    If it's not scabies I cannot help you.

  2. It's just over stimulated hair folicles.  Keep in mind your dead realatives can see you no matter what you are doing...  Wink Wink.

  3. Try rubbing your hands with White Heinz Vinegar. If there is something there, the vinegar will kill it and help with the itching, You can use it as often as you feel the need to. You can but over the counter Cortisone Cream which will also help. Good luck to you sir.

  4. I don't think scabies live on the palms of your hands, but I could be wrong. Scabies are tiny mites which live under the skin & cause a visable rash. You could have ringworm, you really need to go see your Gp & see what he/she advises & follow his/her advise as to what medication to take. People on Y/A are not qualified to diagnose your condition hun, only throw suggestions your way.

    Good Luck. X :-)

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