
My haunted house on tv?

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Remember my story about my haunted house not being able to be sold? You can check back to look at my question. Anyways, tonight at 10PM eastern time my house will be featured on Most Haunted on the travel channel so if you didn't believe my question go check it out!




  1. That isn't exactly a group of people I would trust to investigate the build up of dust bunnies under my couch.

    There have been videos on You Tube where you can actually see Yvonne shaking tables during seances.

    Or you can watch the tendons in ones hand moving as they are playing with a Ouija board.

    Or watch the out takes of the show where they are joking around about the "noises" heard that actually were made by the camera crew.

  2. Tatton Park Mansion is what was on last night.  I understand that it has been part of the National Trust for 50 plus years.  I am thinking that maybe we are not seeing the same episodes that you are seeing......

  3. I live in a different time zone and different service providers :(

  4. well can you tell me more about this, I live in Chicago so we use central time, it is 12:29 A.M right now.

  5. has it already been on there?

  6. is it the tatton mansion?

  7. I would love to spend some time, at night, in the dark, in theTatton Park Mansion.

    I wouldn't take a bunch of nervous screamers with me, for sure.

    The only thing I like about Most Haunted is, they do go to some very beautiful estates.

    As far as their investigations go. Every time a rock is thrown, or a banging is heard, I have to believe it is a member of the crew.

  8. The house on Most Haunted tonight is Tatton Park Mansion, in England, which has been owned by the National Trust since the 1950s, when the last owner died,leaving no heirs. I am doubting this is your house, unless you are, perhaps, dead?

  9. Comcast took the travel channel away from us! We're still mad at them!! I saw your old question and tried to copy the link..but couldn't. Are you sure its' on Most Haunted? Maybe you're in a different time zone and it's on your tv...but not some others. Will you leave the name of it(the address)? If we do get to see it then we'll maybe remember that it's where you live. Hope you're not living there now...and sold it to someone who wanted a haunted house!

    Maybe this is it:;...

  10. freakin sweet!

  11. I dont know, I dont really get that channel, I just watch episodes online from time to time.

    I will say that if the team from Most Haunted is investigating, it probably isnt really haunted. Those guys are the biggest group of bozos ive ever seen. They do a laughable job pretending to be psychic,and they obviously fake the sounds. The only thing they capture is orbs, which we already know the cause is not paranormal. The only amusing thing about the show is that they have a blond girl whos job is to freak out for our entertainment.

    Half the show is filmed in Green-o-vision. I got an idea, TURN ON THE LIGHTS!

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