
My head is spinning as if drunk and my eyes turn to the left constantly. I also feel nauseous?

by  |  earlier

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I got up this morning and had a banana for breakfast and went to work, which involves walking around.

After a little while I noticed an almost imperceptible dizziness where I'd turn around and my vision and balance would take a while to catch up. It was like when you're drunk really.

This got progressively worse until by the time I was going home I was very unbalanced and nauseous. I'm not sure but I think the nausea feels like motion sickness so that might be a result of the other things.

I had to stop at a public toilet to throw up and this made me feel slightly better for a while but now I'm home and hungry though I can't eat anything because I feel sick. I'm also incredibly tired. Lying down with my eyes closed is the only way to avoid feeling sick.

My eyes constantly move to the left. Unless I constantly readjust them they end up as far left as possible and if I try to move them as far right, they just bounce. My head also moves too quickly left and too slowly right. And either movement unbalances me.

Anyone know anything relevant? if it's still like this tomorrow I'm going to the doctor!




  1. Are you sure you are not pregnant? LOL. Seriously, I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling bad. My children have had a lot of ear infections, and that messes up their balance and equilibrium, and makes them dizzy and nauseated. I would get to the doctor as soon as possible, because if it does have something to do with your ears, it can go from bad to worse very quickly. I'm sorry I didn't get to do any research for you like you did for me, but I'm at work and that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now...LOL. I hope you feel better and let me know what happens! Hugs!

  2. Oh no!!! :'(

    How do your ears feel? Do you feel any pressure in your ear? The eyes moving and the dizziness are symptoms of "Ménière's disease" (according to Google, lol). Anyway, it could be Vertigo or anything like that if you're feeling dizzy.

    My mom deals with inner ear infections and dizziness all the time. She says it's very frustrating.

    I really, really hope you feel better!!! Let me know what happens, okay???


  3. Its possible that you have an infection or something causing inflammation in your middle ear.  These symptoms can also occur from a neurological problem, and many times, the cause cannot be explained.  The best home treatment to alleviate symptoms is to take dramamine for the nausea and dizziness, the original 12-hour sudafed to open up the ear canal, and ibuprofen or Alleve to reduce any inflammation.  

  4. You should def go to a doctor, even though it sounds its due to a lack of breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be full in proteins and fiber. Try eating a good breakfast before you head to work. It also may be that your sugar is low.

    But def talk to your doctor about it. I hope everything goes well!

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