
My head itches!?!?!?help?

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My scalp really itches.. even right after i take a shower and wash my hair it itches!! when i scratch an itch my finger becomes damp for some reason, and white brownish stuff ends up under my nail its really gross! but yeah i recently died my hair black could this be a reaction? its never itched before. or could it be lice? but that doesnt seem like it could be becuase my whole family uses the same brushes sometimes and im the only 1 itching! may be too much info but pls help




  1. Try this

    Dandruff shampoo.

  2. How about head and shoulders or use clear shampoo

  3. just scrub your scalp really good with your fingernails for like 10 minutes next time you take a shower. it happened to me when i didn't wash my hair for like a week.  

  4. Head&Shoulders?  

  5. It's probably the hair dye, most likely if you did it yourself from a boxed product.

  6. That white stuff is probably puss. That might just be a reaction. I wouldn't doubt it. I don't really know how to treat it though. Just wait a few days and if it still happens, go to the doctor.  

  7. talk 2 a doctor

  8. ok first of all it can be a reaction to the black hair dying but you should go see a doctor

  9. i think you could be allergic to something in the hair dye :D

  10. Itchy scalp is one of the most common health complaints, because it can occur for a variety of reasons. Dry scalp, which results from an underproduction of lubrication secretions from sebaceous glands, often leads to irritating – and sometimes quite painful – itchy scalp.

    On the other end of the spectrum, oily scalp, which is often associated with dandruff, can lead to aggravating itchy scalp. Oily scalp most often occurs when the dermal (top) level of the scalp is exposed to over-producing sebaceous secretions.

    Here are some of my favorite natural oils you can use for hair & scalp treatments.

    Zinc Pyrithione: Wonderful stuff for scalp conditions. First synthesized in the 1930’s, this is the most widely used active ingredient from a natural source. It’s used to treat dandruff, seborrheic dermatitus, psoriasis, eczema and numerous other skin and scalp disorders. It has strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

    Jojoba: Is excellent as a scalp moisturiser and helps to rebalance sebum.

    Tea Tree: Oily hair … Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands, enlivens the scalp and brings the cells & follicles to attention

    Basil: Oily hair … promotes growth

    Chamomile: Fine to normal hair … gives golden highlights

    Clary sage: All types of hair … dandruff treatment

    Lavender: Normal hair … Scalp treatment for itchiness, dandruff, and even lice!

    Lemon: Oily hair … Gives golden highlights; treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands

    Myrrh: Dry hair … Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands

    Patchouli: Oily hair … Dandruff treatment

    Peppermint: Dry hair … Promotes hair growth

    Rose: Fine hair … Soothes scalp

    Rosemary: Oily hair … Dandruff treatment; promotes hair growth

    Tea tree: Oily hair … Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands

    Ylang-ylang: Oily hair … Dandruff treatment

    Neem: … a wonder oil from India. Neem is amazing for all of the wonderful “stuff" it does. It’s also derived from a type of tree bark. Neem is an effective fungicide and insecticide (great for head lice when used with geranium, rosemary, lavender and eucalyptus oils). In clinical studies Neem extracts and oil were found to be as effective as coal tar and cortisone in treating psoriasis with none of the usual side effects accompanying the use of Neem as there was with Coal tar and cortisone.

    Neem extracts and oil removes redness and itching when applied directly to your scalp…and it’s a great skin conditioner.

    The best part of knowing that there are alternatives is that you can have mix these into super powerful blends like a super moisture boosting home remedy for dry scalp, or soothing itchy scalp treatments. Dry itchy scalp can be dealt with fast and permanently without spending a ton on traditional scalp med products.

    Here’s just one easy remedy you can make today:

    Home remedy for dry itchy scalp Take ¼ c oatmeal and soak in water for 20 mins. Mix well and then strain the liquid adding it to a cup. Add 5 drops lavender oil (or lavender stalks steeped in ¼ cup hot water. Add 5 drops rosemary (or rosemary stalks steeped in ¼ cup hot water. Allow to cool until tepid.

    Mix the liquids together and dab on your scalp…leave in for 10 mins to soothe the itch. This a good temporary soother for itching. Chamomile tea is also soothing!

    There are hundreds of ideas that are excellent scalp treatments from dandruff to scalp infections like scalp sores & psoriasis. These remedies combined with the knowledge of what causes itchy scalp and other scalp conditions will enable you to be free from itching, dryness and allow you to grow fabulously thick, shiny beautiful hair also… have fun experimenting and “luxuriating" by giving your hair a treat using the many natural gifts from nature that are right under our noses! There are also many natural shampoos that so not use these ingredients and do wonders for your hair such as Akin shampoo, and Thursday Plantation which is fantastic as an effective anti-dandruff shampoo.

    SOOTHING & HEALING ANTIFLAMMATORY REMEDY: Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon of Neem oil (antifungal & antiitching) 1 teaspoon Teatree or Manuka (also antifungal) which much stronger than teatree, one teaspoon of Rosemary oil and one teaspoon of Lavender oil together in 3 tablespoons of carrier oils such as Olive or Almond oil (Wheatgerm and Macadamia carrier oils closely match your natural sebum) and apply to your scalp daily.

    GARDEN REMEDY: Go to your garden and get 3 sprigs of Rosemary, and chop up and add to 3 tea bags of Chamomile tea. Boil gently, let cool, strain and rinse your hair with this liquid for a calming antiflammatory effect.

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