
My headphone dont work

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike i have these headphones that dont work on one side ...but work on the other side so i went and bought another pair and it has the same problem does that mean somethings wrong with the ipod and not the headphones?




  1. yeah somethings wrong with the ipod. later on both sides wont be able to work unfortunately. but i have no idea how to fix it. i have to use someone else's ipod right now which i feel bad for. but if you find out how to fix it please tell me! but sorry i didnt help much. :(

  2. that happens to me with my cd player. It happend when i used to have the ones you wear not the ones that dangle. If you have the ones you "wear" trying getting the other brand.

    The danglinging ones are like a Y the opnes you wear  r like a n but wider

  3. Possibly. Any way to clean the contact points inside the hole you plug it into?

  4. The headphone jack is busted. I had the same problem a couple weeks ago (bought three pairs of headphones before I figured out the problem. *facepalm*) sells headphone jacks for 30 bucks. The instructions are on their site, but it's very to install. (Installed mine in about 15 minutes.)
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