a couple of months ago, i got in a fight and broke a couple of fingers. one was broken so badly, that i had to have surgery to correct it. $10,000 dollars later, my finger (i had a s***w put in in my middle knuckle, its my pinkie) is still slightly swollen. my knuckle bumps out quite a bit now (it looks like i have BAD arthritis, haha) and although i have almost full ROM (range of motion, for those who don't know) it still hurts REALLY bad when i move it. i'm fine if its still, but as soon as it bends... OUCH!!! what can i do? my Dr. said its healed completely well & i don't go 2 see him anymore. i don't really want to talk 2 him about it because i don't want to have to spend any more money. any suggestions?? will the pain go away?