
My heart hurts...what am I supposed to do now?

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Basically, I'm gonna try to make a very long and complicated story short and sweet.

I'm having emotional trouble right now. Let's say, I had a misunderstanding with another person. This is someone that I was totally in love w/. But we kind of messed things up with each other and didn't resolve it by the time our first year of college ended. She tried to resolve it, but at the time, I saw the situation in a much different light.

I have no idea how to contact her and I just recently learned that she may not be coming back. Despite all the B.S. that went on, I still had the same feelings for her. Over the summer I did a lot of reflecting, so you can imagine the pain I feel knowing that I probably won't be seeing her again.

I don't know what to do right now. I tossed and turned all frickin' night (when I found out through another person about her not coming back).

I should just move on, right.....? It hurts so badly though. Advice?




  1. awwwwww i think you're still in love with her! i think i would try and call her or ask her to join you for coffee so that you guys can talk. then i would just tell her how you feel. but i really think you should talk to her so if it is over atleast you can end it with knowing why. i hope this helps! good luck!

  2. well do you know anyone who might have her number? do you know where she's staying? i think you should try and get back with her, but if you think there's no chance of her taking you back, try to move on. i was there with my ex, and she led me on for a long time after we broke up. eventually i got tired of waiting and being hurt so i moved on.

    just make sure you don't get into anymore heartache than you have to... you guys will make up and be friends again someday. you can't just, stop talking can you? ...try and contact her and apologize or explain or do whatever you need to in order to set things right.

    good luck... hope i've helped some. =] sorry about your situation too. i know how ya feel, i've been there too.

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