
My heat won't turn on. I have a Carrier Thermostat and it won't work. Please help!?

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My heat won't turn on. I have a Carrier Thermostat and it won't work. Please help!?




  1. 1. Make sure the switch at the funace is turned to on.  This should look like a light switch.

    2.  Either blow really hard in back of the thermostat (take the cover off if you can), or use a can of pressurized air.  There might be dirt causing poor connections.

    3. Check to see that you have enough heating oil.

    4. Call for service.

  2. If it is really the thermostat not working, you will be able to start the furnace by bridging the contacts with a length of insulated wire.

    If that works, you may have a contact held open by a  fly, or a wire loose. Or the thermostat needs to be replacing. no big deal.

  3. If it's cold there and you're renting call your apartment's emergency maintenance line. They have to at least give you a space heater until they can fix it.

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