
My heaviest period flow is at night... diapers?

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I wear pads, never tampons. My heaviest flow is always at night, and even if I try using multiple pads usually ends up leaking on my clothes and sheets. It's bad, and humiliating to be seen by my dad doing my sheets in the morning laundry... again and again, even though he never says anything to spare me the embarrassment of mentioning it.

So I was thinking earlier, what about diaper? I'm short and thin, and I would probably fit into those Goodnite diapers they have ads for on TV (I'm only 4'9").

Would it be super weird if I got my dad to get me some? I don't know how to ask him, and I don't have money of my own for that...




  1. To be honest.. You should totally try wearing tampons. I use to be the same way, but tampons are so much better. You usually never leak, and if you are scared of leaking when you are sleeping you could always put a panty liner on or something.. they are so much better, and it would be better than wearing diapers. Thats going alittle extreme... I mean i guess if that's what you need to do, than go for it. But its not going to be comfy and I dont think you want to wearing diapers just because you are on your period...

  2. in fact i would speak to your doctor.. Having very heavy periods is a problem for some woman and there is tablets you can take to reduce it.

    I wouldnt humilate yourself by wearing a nappy (diaper)..These are only designed to catch wee and poo not blood which is thicker.

    They could also reduce the air flow getting to you and you could end up with thrush or any other infection.

    I would try using tampons, they may seem scary and worrying at first but buy a box and just practice...There is detailed help in the box and on various websites.,  They may help in the end wearing one super strength one and a maxi pad at night.

    Hope whatever you chose works and be thankful your dad is so willing to help (most run at mile at woman problems)

  3. i have the same problem.

    i have never thought of using diapers though, hahaha.

    it seems like it would work though.

    try it out, just come right out & ask him to buy you some.

  4. Firstly you are wrong about tampons which will not stretch you inside at all, the will also not make you  less of a virgin if you are worried about that too. They are really the only way to prevent the leaking you are experiencing. I always use a tampon plus a pad at night then any leaking that does happen is caught by the pad. I get up once in the night too on my heaviest days to change the tampon and sometimes the pad. All women are different you may find as you get older it reduces. You do need to find a solution though and not diapers! You couldn't possibly wear a diaper when sleeping over at a friends house or a hotel - how would you dispose of it? Possibly consider going to the doc to talk it over and check all is well. Try to avoid the pill though if you are very young as it's not good to pump yourself full of chemicals - my guess is you don't want that option if you are worried about tampons. Good luck and seriously consider the tampon route they will be so helpful later in life when you don't want to be a recluse just because of your period.

  5. I know that if you have cramps its hard to do, but exercise always decreases my flow....for night time always use an extra long pad, for full coverage, and change in the middle of the night.

  6. The best thing to do would be to get on the birth control pill. Not for sexual reasons, but to lighten your periods. I honestly LOVE being on the pill, it's wonderful. My cycles are regulated, periods are light, and they last no more than 3 days! Ever since I have been on the pill, I have not bled through anything.

    I know it may be embarassing, but ask your dad if you can go to the doctor to get on the pill to help regulate, lighten, and shorten your periods. He will understand, especially since he has seen your bloody clothes/sheets.

    If the pill doesn't sound like a good idea to you (even though i'd highly recommend it) you could try out tampons. Honestly, they don't hurt especially for someone who has a heavier flow like you. They are very useful and things are so much cleaner. You'll never go back to using pads again once you start using tampons. They won't stretch you out inside. They are not very big at all.

  7. if i was u i would ask an aunt or cousin..or my sister..but i remember my mom used to get hers hevy at niight and she would put a towel were she was gonna sleep incase she got staind she woudlnt stain the sheets......but i say..go to the doctor if its like xtream hevy because my aunt had to go to the hospital for that

  8. Since you are 15 you could do your own laundry, there's one problem solved.

  9. i don't like this question

  10. tampons are not gonna stretch you out.

    Ask your dad to take you to the drs about it. tell him your period is just really heavy and you want to know if the dr can do anything about it (your dad will understand) and your dr will most likely put you on birth contorl to regulate and make your periods less heavy. they did that with me.

    Its best to tell your dad you want to go ahead of time so he doesnt think your going on the pill to have s*x which might upset him just cuz hes a dad. but yeah try the dr .

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