
My hedgehog wont stay still! ?

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Ok i have a problem, MY HEDGEHOG WONT STAY STILL!

He always runs around and I think its normal. He doesnt even let me cut his nails because he wont stay still. How can I make him stop so I can cut his nails?




  1. Try wrapping him up tightly in a towel with only his little feet sticking out and holding him still to cut his nails.  I doubt very much you will be able to get him to hold still voluntarily.  I had the same problem with my ferret.  Some little critters just don't like to be still.  They have places to go and things to do!  LOL!

  2. Easy: grab it and pin it upside down in a sofa cushion. Will stay there for months if you don't pry him out.

  3. Hedgehogs like to move. That is just what they do and it is very hard to convince them to do otherwise. They are curious little critters who just like to explore. For my friendly guys, I can usually just hold onto a foot firmly, yet gently and carefully snip the nails with scissors in my opposite hand. Have another person help you by holding them so they don't run while you are holding onto their foot. For grumpier hedgehogs, I would suggest 'scruffing' to make it easier to hold them still while still being able to access their feet. This is a very good video that will help you to scruff your hedgehog:

    Good luck!

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