
My hens and chicks (plants) some of their leaves around the outers edges are turning yellow and falling off

by  |  earlier

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i have a large planter of hens and chicks that have been doing very very well all season up until recently. it has been unusually wet and now some of their leaves around the outside of them has turned yellow and they break away very easily is this normal if they get too wet? or could it just be getting toward fall time and this happens? I am not sure weather or not they did this last year i cant remember. if it is because they have gotten to wet will they come back or stop doing this once it dries up some? Any ideas as to what could be causing this and how to fix it?




  1. You answered your own question. they are getting to much water, this year is wetter than it has been in the past.

    Mine are going through the same thing.

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