
My hermit crab went out of it's shell, what should i do?!?

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Should i get a new shell for him? If that's what i need to do, then where will i get one?




  1. the hermit crab is dead this is what hapend to me so your hermit crab is dead

  2. Get him a larger shell :)

  3. You should go to the pet store and get a bit larger shell for him. They do that often, it is always good to keep an extra shell in there. They like to migrate to a new shell every few months usually. Pet stores usually have them or any place where they sell shells. Just make sure it's not too large, or else he will spend a few days in it and decide he wants another new shell! Hope this helps!  

  4. Like everyone else said, get your hermit crab a new shell. You can buy them at pet stores. But make sure to buy many of them different sizes but bigger then the crabs last one. You won't need one that's really big, but bigger then the last once since he probably out grew it. Also if you know anyone with shells like hermit crabs live in that they found on the beach will do. Make sure your hermit crab doesn't dry out while it is out of the shell! Last thing, always leave shells in with your hermit crab so next time it wants to change shells there will already be new homes to choose from. Good luck!  

  5. He's looking for a new shell.  You can find them online or you can buy them from some pet stores.  Just don't touch him, leave him alone until he's back in a shell.  

  6. just get it a bigger one, its growing and cant fit into the one it used to be in, but you gotta get one quick coz they like there protection,  

  7. he came out cause he outgrew his shell so you should get him a bigger one ASAP!!!!!!

  8. Yes you should get him larger shell. But keep in mind that Hermit Crabs can want another shell at any time so I would keep 4 or 5 extras. Make sure that each new shell is bigger in size! You can find Hermit Crab shells at probebly any local petco. Hope I helped!

  9. that shell was too small. get a shell bigger. i would recommend a few in different sizes for it to continuosly grow into

    they sell them at the pet store for cheap

  10. Just get him a bigger shell....he just grew thats all.

  11. buy him a bigger shell at a pet store or online

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