
My highschool is HORRIBLE!Help?

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my new highschool is horrible. first of all im taking all honors classes and a lot of people in there are way different from me. im a girlygirl but im also really smart. but the girls in there dont wear makeup wear odd neutral colored clothes and dont talk a lot. I dont have a problem with their style but iv'e tried talking to a lot of them and they act odd and when i try to talk about something we could relate to they just nod and stare at me. A lot of the girls in there stare at me. (worst of all these people are literally with me in all my classes).

And im in some classes with this girl that i really hate and she always stares at me.

What can I do to meet new people at high school! And any tips on meeting cute guys? All the ones In my honors classes are not that hot tbh.

(sorry for abbreviations and typos, I had to write fast)!




  1. So what if they don't wanna be just like you? Maybe they're happy with how they are.  Get over it!  School isn't a place to socialize anyways.

  2. If your #1 source of attraction is physical attraction, you will have a HARD time finding the right person for you. You should be physically attracted to your boyfriend but ... personality is equally as important.

    Some of the most "hottest" guys are the most c**p.

    As for the girls in your class ...... if you can't get along with them.... make friends outside of your class.

  3. so what if they stare at you, you are there to learn, not to be liked. just deal with it for now and it will get better as the year goes by. when it's lunch time, just go to a new table everyday, sit down and introduce yourself

  4. my opinion is that they feel imtimidated by you this is not something you are doing intentionally but try to act more down to earth and like hair, make -up and clothes arent everything try talking about neutral subjects but really in high school you don't need to be dressing up as if you are going out on the town. as for the girl that stares at you. i'd put it down to jealousy

  5. Unlike most of the other answerers I understand what you mean I'm not in any honors classes but since i started high school i've seen... since there isn't any other word for them i'll just say "nerds" and it's kinda weird cause they dress weird and they NEVER talk like i try to say hey or something and they just responde very nervously and stop talking so I know it's uncomfortable.

    If you see someone you think is less shy go up to them and talk and try to socialice at lunch. And talk to guys a lot cause it's sometimes easier to start friendships w/ guys

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