
My hip has been hurting the last couple days?

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i run xc and my hip has been bothering me. it hasnt been too painfull that i cant run just enough to make my run uncomfortable and its not affecting my times but i thought it would go away after a day or too but its not should i keep running or tell my coach??? HELP!




  1. Defiently tell your coach. Thats what they are there for!

    There not there for just telling you what to run and how fast to run workouts, but they are also there to help you improve, and you can't improve when you're hurt.

    Take some ice and put it in a ziplock bag, and do a cycle like this:

    1. 15 minutes with ice on

    2. 10 minutes off

    3. 10 minutes with ice on

    4. 5 minutes off

    Repeat twice, and you might have to change ice, but thats okay.

    Also try some stretching for your hip. I'm not sure what part of your hip is hurting, but here is a couple, I'll try to explain it, but if you don't understand e-mail me and I'll try to explain more in detail


    Lie on your back. Bend your knee so that the bottom of your foot is touching the ground. Take your left leg and put your left ankle on your right knee. So your left leg is kind of making a 90degree angle. Take your hand and wrap it around the back of your right knee (one hand between the left and right leg, the other hand outside your right leg and lock your hands). Now pull towards your chest. Your feet should be completly off the ground and you should feel the stretch in your left leg. Then switch.

    2. Stand straight, and bend to touch your toes. Then take your two hands and touch the outside of your left shoe. You should feel the strech in your right hip. Then switch.

    The cause of the pain might be because of your shoes. You should go to a running store and let them take measurments and stuff to help decided what shoe is best suited for you.

    Good luck, and I hope the pain goes away!

  2. i had that happen to me. i would tell your coach and see what he thinks cuz it could be like a hip flexer i had that and also with all the impact from xc i had noticed (hints to the pain on my hip) that one leg is longer than the other so i had physical therapy to help it feel better which felt great and they gave me some cork that was 2 centimeters tall to put in my shoe which now if my hip starts to bother me i just put in my 2 centimeters and its better or i just normally leave them in so i would tell your coach so you can see what it is cuz we mine started to hurt i was running and then when i was finished i couldnt do the cool down and i was limping the whole time and that was my last race for the season so tell your coach!

  3. Tell your coach. Your coach (hopefully) has in mind what is best for you and they probably know what to do. If you want ways to make it feel better you can stretch and ice it.

    Stretching is pretty self-explanatory but for icing if you are going to do it make sure it is AFTER you run and cool down. If you are going to run on it put a heating pad on the hip for 5-15 minutes before you run and then stretch.

    But yes, definitely tell your coach. This might be happening because you took the summer off from running or maybe because your shoes aren't fitted properly. Either way if it develops into something more serious it would be good for your coach to know now.

    Tell your parents too!

  4. tell your coach... put some ice on it and take some ibprofen

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