Ok the other day I had soccer practice and we worked really hard, so it was time for goalie training. We were diving (long distances) and jumping high and then jamming our leg up in the air (very quickly) so the day after practice (Friday) and today (Saturday) my hip hurts really badly. I hurts whenever I....
-Get up from a chair.
-Going up and down staires
-Walking and Running
-Flexing my butt
-Sometimes hurts when I touch the right below the butt, but to the side.
-Moving around
Itmostlyy hurts under my butt. (sorry If it sounds wierd)
My coach says I have the best skill on switching directions (it means I go up to a player and as it looks like im going straight for them I rapidly change my direction to the right or left and dribble)
I was thinking that I pulled something sence I go so rapidly in another direction or that whenI jammed up my leg for goalie, but Im not sure, it hurts all the time.
What do you thin happend below my hip (I think below my hip)
Area- Below the butt, on the back on my leg.