
My history class help?

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I need to find the answers to my history outline and we're supposed to find it wherever we can.

first question what were mens responsibility's in the colonial era?

was marriage viewed differently in the colonial era than now? and how?

and the one I really need help with. compare and contrast colonial crime and punishment with today's crime and punishment

if you can help me thanks so much ; )




  1. 1. men's responsibilities were hunting, tending to the farm/plantation, going to war, protecting their families, trading, working

    2. marriage was more sacred and valued in the colonial era because religion was greatly emphasized in people's lives, divorce was an absolute atrocity in society, women who got divorced were greatly looked down on, today, marriage has much less value, everyone is divorcing! less religion today as well

    3. hm well you can't really compare and contrast crime and punishment because people didn't have such statistical records at the time, there may have been more crime back then but who would know since it was rarely recorded (only criminal records are available if murderers were caught) and this is not including the indians that the whites killed, which would simply be ignored, punishment was worse back then because things were judged more religiously and ppl would go to jail more often, today we have a lot of crime but the punishment system is more orderly than it was in the colonial era

    good luck

  2. Men's responsibility.   Security,  hunting,  farming,  building shelters,  making all major decisions,  organizing religion.    Keep the slaves in line if you had any.  

    Marriage was not very often done for love.  Unmarried men were not considered adults and had little say in how things were done.   Often men took a second wife to take care of their kids because their first wife died having a kid.   Of course, the second wife was younger and she got pregnant almost immediately.  

    Crime and punishment.   They did not waste time giving free room and board to criminals.   They had three basic forms of punishment.   They flogged you or gave you some other form of nasty physical punishment,  they kicked you out of the colony and you had to go somewhere else or they killed you.   No coddling of criminals.  

  3. Colonial Men usually worked their land by farming and selling goods. Some men had trades like blacksmiths or carpentry. Their responsibilities were providing for their family and at that time fighting for their country.

    Marriage at that time was very different from our modern views. While arranged marriages were on their way out most well bred families (aristocratic) were still being matched according to names and titles. Divorce was unheard of and a horrible scandal if it did happen.

    At that time Americas crime and punishment was different than ours because at that time all the laws were just being forged. Before the revolution America was technically under British law but since we were so far from England, Americans had to pretty much govern themselves. After the revolution the Constitution was written and though there have been many amendments to it (i.e. the right for women and african americans to vote) the basis of government made by our fore fathers still stands today.
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