
My history prof says i should participate in one of those protest or rally thingies before i graduate ....?

by  |  earlier

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how do i do this? :)




  1. If you want to be part of a protest/rally it should be because you feel passionate about the subject being protested not because you are being told to take part! If there is an issue you want to protest against, find out as much information as you can about the issue and you will come across action groups and from there choose to join a group - make sure you know what type of protest they support you dont want to find its anything illegal!. Hope this helps.

  2. You can yell and scream, march around the room, and spit on your professor during a lecture, or during an exam.

    I am sure that your professor will congratulate you on exercising your right of expression and give you an "A" in the class.

  3. I don't recommend it, especially since it does not appear that your heart is in it.  I taught school too,  and would never have recommended that any of my students ever be in a protest rally.  This is a personal choice, your choice.  You don't have to do everything that everybody tells you to do.

  4. i think that your prof meant for you to get more involved by picking an issue that you are interested in and passionate about and then stand up for it.  :)

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