
My home central ac unit is starting to freeze up.?

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I know the unit is clean and filters are changed on a regular basis. The unit is six years old and trouble before.I have been told the unit has a slow leak and requires some freon. What should the gagues read for a 4 ton gibson unit.Ihave gagues and R22 freon.Id like to know the readings for the low and high sides.Any help would be appricated.




  1. on th ehigh side approx. 300, on the low side approx.150, it is frezzing up due to being low on r-22. a not so technical way of telling when you have enough freon in the unit is when the low pressure side line on the unit outside is cool and sweating. this would be the larger line and usually has the black rubber insulation on it. however the leak should be repaired by a tech. the readings will vary as to ambient temp. but those are apprximate numbers.

  2. You should have a licensed technician repair your unit.  Sure that is not what you want.  But to insure a safe and quality operating unit get a licensed technician.  It will pay off in the long run.  Don't run the risk of blowing up you unit and being injured.

  3. you'd be better off getting someone in to see if they can fix the leak.

  4. let the pros do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. If you are not licensed and are in possession of freon you could be subject to a $25000 fine and 5 years in jail.If you have a license and don't have or can't use a set of gages (they will show you the temp/preasure on them) then you are a fool

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