
My home page URL changes to and page does not load. Get Error message instead.?

by  |  earlier

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My home page url is

When I click on home page, this url loads instead: resulting in the following error message: "Sorry, the page you requested was not found.

Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. "




  1. The MyYahoo team arrogantly removed the "old version" of the MyYahoo page and is FORCING all users (even my 75 yr old parents) to use the new and far more data intensive (and confusing) version of MyYahoo.

    I am BOYCOTTING this action and suggesting all others boycott this mentality too - by not using MyYahoo (until they bring back the option to use the OLD version).  I am changing my browser's Home Page to GOOGLE, and hope all others who are upset will do the same and encourage others to do so as well.

    DUMB MOVE by the MyYahoo team management, forcing everyone to change.  They have to be very young and naive IMHO.  Most internet users don't like change for change's sake, especially when it doesn't work BETTER immediately.  That is the whole point of having BETAs.  You test UNTIL it is better.  Period.  Anyone that doesn't agree, stays out of BETA.

    Yahoo should FIRE the product "manager" of MyYahoo for all the lack of foresight and mistakes over the years (like with your TV guide).  Don't continually change what isn't broken.  Offer valued users the ability to CHOOSE each change, if it is best for them.  Let USERS choose which version they want (especially those with older PCs that can't handle as much data as fast).  Let USERS choose when their computers (or their brains) can handle such changes.

    VERY POOR PLANNING on MyYahoo's management team.  Everyone is not 25 years old and desiring change because they have nothing else important to do with their time (like raise children, run businesses, care for elderly parents, etc).  People with complex adult lives (who fund most of the home computer and online usage worldwide) expect Yahoo/MyYahoo/YahooMail to work quickly and smoothly without any unnecessary changes.  That is what brought us all to Yahoo in the first place YEARS ago.  Now you are losing many users over time.......

    GOOGLE gets the  value of simplicity and speed.  GOOGLE is killing all other software oriented businesses by remembering that companies EXIST to serve your customers' wants and needs first.  Everything else comes as a result of keeping those customers happiest, compared to all the competition's offerings.

    No customers = No business = No jobs

    MICROSOFT made the same stupid and arrogant decisions with Vista.  No wonder they want to acquire all or parts of Yahoo.  The previously opposing cultures are becoming so very similar now.  I can see it now.....  "MicroHoo!"  Sounds just as smart as these forced changes.  At least the Yahoo Mail team was smart enough to realize that everyone doesn't want change, or just can't afford to upgrade to handle the change when Yahoo wants.

    YAHOO has totally lost focus on giving the customer choice here, by not supporting the old version of MyYahoo - and forcing change on everyone without warning or complete choice.

    Sad.  Sad.  Sad.

    (Sorry this is so harsh, but I am very upset right now with this "forcing change for the sake of change" mentality, without focus on what each customer actually wants - and can handle.  This will just force more people off Yahoo and offline in general.  Spending thousands of dollars each year on computer hardware, software, connections, etc - is not something everyone will keep doing.  Imagine having to replace all your TVs every 3 years because of this mentality.  [This constantly-forced-change mentality, plus overbearing advertising, intrusive cookies/tracking, spam, viruses, etc.]  These various complementary but competing computer industries are now colliding and going to all kill each other and this potentially valuable networking medium.  GOOGLE will be the ultimate winner in the future IMHO, by using fast and as-simple-as-can-be web apps on mobile devices and dumb internet processing terminals.  Watch.  Everything will very soon be browser based, and the companies that make the user experience fastest and cleanest will win.  Microsoft loses.  PC manufacturers lose.  Everyone trying to protect their revenue stream, instead of best serving their customer at a reasonable profit, will ultimately lose and die.  All IMHO.)

  2. On your toolbar, click on "Tools", then "Internet Options" in the "general" section, type in the top window, click "okay" and you're all set!

  3. I am having the same problem, from both my home computer and my work computer.  Retyping my home page in the Internet Options doesn't help.  Let me know if you find an answer.

  4. I just started having the same problem today. My homepage is but when I click on my internet connection it takes me  to . I have run AT&T anti virus & spam protection but nothing comes up which says page cannot be displayed & to click here to go to my home page. It tries to load. Nothing happens & I have to reboot computer.

    My computer is responding very slowly. I have lots of memory but it shows only 4% usage. Any suggestions?

  5. left click tools

    go down list find Internet options left click

    under home page

    left click open area in home page

    drag while holding down left click till it turns blue

    hit backspace while its blue

    type in

    try that

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