
My home page is really long.... how do I fix this???

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My home page is really long.... how do I fix this???




  1. If what you mean by "Home" page is actually the "My Page/Top Page" -  that problem has to do with your 360 personal profile picture module, not your browser. That module is buggy and if you've been adding/removing images in that module, it will make the left side of your 360 very long, thus elongating the entire page.

    You can try adding back an image, but if it won't allow you to do that, then try to add a Yahoo! Avatar to your 360. See and .

    That's pretty much all you can do, as the Yahoo! 360 team is no longer fixing glitches. If it doesn't work, you will either have to tolerate the elongation until the system transitions in the 2nd half of 2008 OR create a new Yahoo ID so that you can start over with a new 360 space.

  2. Same thing happens to me. Are you using Internet Explorer? If so it will happen with Yahoo 360. It is a glitch that yahoo has been having. It will only fix itself over time. However, if you sign on here using Firefox you will not have that same problem.

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