
My homepage has changed due to trojan and i cant change it?

by  |  earlier

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my homepage has changed due to trojan i think its a homepage trying to get me to buy there software for viruses. i have norton anti virus but it hasnt deleted or changed the home page it doesnt even detect it. I have done many scans and deleted it but my home page has stayed the same.

I dont want to pay to get it removed as i already pay for norton anti virus. can any one help me please




  1. Download a free copy of AdAware, install it and run it on the "every file" setting. Also, AVG Free is as good or better than Nortons when it comes to Trojans-you might try installing and running that.And stop looking at p**n!

  2. your home page has probably been taken over by spy crush do you have little blue shield with ?mark and then flash to red shield with x in it you have spy crush you need good spyware program preferably one who advertises to take this program out.hope this helps hope ypu dont have spy crush.shields will be in icon tray happy browseing

  3. Make sure your norton is up to date and it should fix it so that you can change it.

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