
My homophobic dad... how do i get him to love me again?

by  |  earlier

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i have told my dad I'm g*y before ands he basically stoped talking to me except to yell at me about being g*y... but now that i tell him in straight he wants to do i get him to be that way with me as a g*y 17 year can i get him to see that I'm still the son he has known before i came out?




  1. that may be hard to convince him if hes homophobic. maybe if you build a strong relationship with him, and then just tell him that the entire time that he has loved you & had a strong relationship that you were g*y. he loved you as a g*y person w/o knowing it, so maybe he'll see that its not such a bad thing.

    but as i said, some ppl just cant be convinced that easily

  2. i never got to see my dad but the way i see it is your dad should love you no matter what. don't worry about it to much. as long as you are happy it shouldnt matter what anyone thinks. everything will work out fine in the long run.


  3. well,try to do the things the best you can...there's no other way...deep inside,he still loves you,and with time,he will soften more and more...keep doing the things you have been doin,of course,if they're him that you can be responsible and be a good person with or without him,and when he sees that you dont need him,he will try to bond again with oftenly happens when the father watches his son grow up,he wants to feel himself useful...dont worry,i think he will soften up with time...

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