
My horse coughs.. and trips.?

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My horse has always tripped.. but lately he has been tripping a lot. He had his feet trimmed about less than 2 weeks ago.. so that can't be the problem. Today I was riding him bareback and he tripped and fell on his knees.. he got right up but it's really starting to worry me. So is there anything to make/help him stop tripping? He's been coughing lately too. It's been just a cough when we start cantering or something but today he coughed 5-6 times when we were only walking. Also.. the other day I think he choked. A guy at the barn called me and told me that he was lying down coughing up white foamy stuff and stuff was coming out of his nose as well. When I got there I guess he had just stood up.. I got a halter on him and walked him around. He was very sweaty and heaving like he was trying to get something out of his throat. He coughed once and after about 5 min. he was back to eating and drinking just fine so I didn't call the vet. Was it choke? I'm sorry this is all over the place!!




  1. The tripping sounds like a long term problem that could be related to a hoof trimming flaw, but it could be something else that should be investigated.  The coughing you mention should also be investigated.  The episode of choke may have actually been respiratory, rather than coming from the esophagus.  Horses can develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, called heaves.  You just say he's been coughing lately, so I don't know how long it's been going on, but he has enough symptoms to warrant a visit from your vet.

  2. I have ridden a horse who tripped a lot because the farrier was not trimming her feet properly. I have also ridden a horse who tripped from laziness. If you have ruled out the feet, make sure your horse is alert when you are riding and not being sluggish. Some horses cough, some do not. My friend's horse coughs a lot due to allergies. She has him on an herbal supplement and it is helping dramatically. As for the choke, try wetting your horses food down and have the farrier come check his teeth. By wetting down his food it will reduce the risk of choke. If he continues to have episodes of choking, you need to call your vet.

  3. I wouldn't worry either, after I CALLED THE VET!  There are some things that you can take care of yourself (Lord knows that I'm not the first to call the vet) but there are some things that should just tell your fingers to dial the vet, period, end of discussion...this is one of those times.

  4. Ok, don't panik i have had this happen too so don't worry bout a thing =D

    First, the tripping could be because he has weak joints. I suggest using Leaps N' Bounds. I use that for one of my horse's joints and it works wonders!

    For the coughing, its just normal don't worry. It could be two things. It very well could be that he is just getting dust up his nose since it is so dry out lately. it could also be that he is lazy and he knows that when he coughs you get worried and stop him ( that way he stops working ) You'd be supprised by how smart horses are. One of my horses does the lazy coughing thing too, I dont worry as much as I used to but i'm still aware that there could be something wrong.

    Hope this helped!

  5. if theres white foam coming out of his nose than call the vet.

  6. Just because you had his feet trimmed doesn't mean it's not his feet.  Does your trimmer know, I mean REALLY know his stuff.  Does he ever use a hoof gauge?

    There's 'trimmer' that's being paid to cripple a beautiful paint mare at my barn.  My farrier just shakes his head when he sees her trying to perform on uneven feet and long toes.  Her angles are no better than 46 degrees and should be around 55.  Even the other farrier thinks it's a crime.

    Get another opinion from another farrier or ask your trimmer where his hoof gauge is and see what your angles are.

    Don't think for one minute just because he has a hoof knife and nippers that he is a competent FARRIER.

  7. Wow that's pretty crazy I know we have a pony in the barn and he cough in the beginning of the ride like pretty strong but we got it checked out and they said that it was just him clearing sawdust out of his throat but this seems a little more serious do you think maybe he has something caught in his throat, just in an odd place that is making him cough every once and awhile but isn't affecting anything else And the tripping I'd say try for a couple day getting him really "up hill" do a ton of transitions and see if that helps

  8. It may still be the feet.  Check to see if the farrier trimmed the heels too short and left the front or toe of the hoof too long.  This causes a horse to trip.

    Yes he may have choked.  One of the most common causes of choking (though there are others too) is eating dry pellets too fast.  They crush the pellets and the powder gets stuck in the throat and then swells.  This is why I avoid feeding dry pellets when I can.  I particularly avoid feeding them to any horse that bolts its food down.

  9. I would say the coughs I agree with a bunch of people who replyed and the tripping you might want to get ground poles and make him go over abnd if he steps on them that's poor planning in his case but if he looks sore and really starts tripping stop and you need to get him on joint support!

  10. my horse trips to if your horses hoofs are fine then theres probably nothin wrong. with mine hes just not jpaying attention and is not picking his feet up high enough (hes being lazy

  11. I would definitely talk with your trainer or a more experienced horse person, and if you have any doubts, call the vet.

    There are many things that can cause tripping.  First, make sure you aren't throwing your horse off balance.  Keep his head up when you ride him, and sit slightly behind the motion.  That way, if he stumbles, he can catch himself.  Also, look at the footing.  Had the ring been dragged lately?  Was it muddy?  Were there rocks?  There could be a more serious problem, but check out those first.

    For the coughing/choking:  How old is this horse?  Does he have teeth?  Make sure you get his teeth filed if he is young.  If he is old, he may be losing teeth and you will have to change his diet accordingly.  You might also consider soaking his hay if he is coughing.  Also, make sure the ring isn't dusty.  The dust from the ring or hay might make his thoat scratchy.

    I think you should definitely call the vet if you are concerned.  It's better to be safe than sorry.  In the mean time, speak with another experienced horse person who knows your horse.

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