
My horse currently eats Hunter and Vintage Gold feed... Can I switch him from hunter to Trotter?

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I'm getting a new horse, and he is currently on Hunter (which has 14% crude protein, 6% crude fat) and Vintage Gold (which has 16% crude protien, 7.5% crude fat.). I was wondering if it would be okay to switch him from Hunter to Trotter (which has 14% crude protien, 3% crude fat.) If I use a corn oil or a higher fat supplement to benefit him, as well as keep him on the Vintage Gold. Please let me know what you think, I'm kind of stuck...




  1. I'm sure it would be fine, we have horses that switch between the two often, but the switch has been known to get horses a little too skinny.  The horse also might have less energy, I'd say try it and see what happens.

    But on the other hand, why do you want to switch him?

    Anyways, make sure you make a slow transition between the two feeds by slowly adding trotter and subtracting hunter until its all trotter.

  2. Go for it. My horse did a fair bit of moving around recently and is also a picky eater, but I just switched him right over. I kept the quantity lower than what he needs to get him onto it, and then gradually increased it. How big a horse do you have? In what amount of work? Just lower the quantity, or if you have the option continue on the Hunter and gradually change him over. Oil is a good option, could your horse also go on hay cubes if there is a weight issue?

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