
My horse has a lump on her butt, please help!!?

by Guest60952  |  earlier

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okay... my halflinger, has this bump on the right side of her butt, like right on top and im not suree what it is... its not like a bite cuz its been there for a while, i noticed it about two or three months ago so its not something that just appeared.. its about the size of one of those big chocolate coins ya kno the ones that they wrap chocolate up to look like a coin? its probably a little bigger then the big coins. but its not like a circle its more oval shaped..i was kinda worried i hope its not like a absess/tumor or howeverr you spell it. ive never seen anythig like it on any of my horses and i really want to kno what it is. please help!




  1. Well since it has been there for so long maybe you should take her to the vet.I dont know what it is but maybe the vet will.I hope your horse gets better.

  2. Is she put out with other horses? Cause if she is, maybe a horse kicked her in the butt. But if she wasnt, I'd say have a vet check her to see if its an abess/tumor.

  3. If you are wondering what it is, and really want to know, you will have to call a vet. No one on YA is quailfied to diagnose, especially since no one on YA can see your horse.

    It is possible that the lump is causing her pain, and by putting off calling the vet, as you have for three months, you are prolonging the pain.

  4. one of my hunt horses gets something similar on his bum. Every year (about this time!) it tends to move on his bum! it was on top his bum, then moved around to like the 'buttock' and this year is just behind the flank! It is about the size of a A5 piece of paper, and looks like a flat, raised swelling, almost like the coat is just sticking up more. It causes no problem to him. I would get your horse checked out though, just to makesure it isnt something more serious!

  5. ask your trainer what it is and what to put on it. If she doesnt know, bring out a vet to check it out, it could be painful to your horse. hope this helps and good luck!!

  6. To be on teh safe side if it was my horse i would get a vet or someone to check it out

  7. It may be a simple bump from hitting or rubbing up against something. Just watch it and see if it gets worse.

  8. i would bring her to the vet

  9. If it appears to be over a joint, I'd get the vet to check it could be related to something going on in deeper tissues.  if it's in an area of just soft tissues, it could be something benign like a lipoma (collection of fat cells), or a type of harmless cyst.

    If it isn't tender when you put pressure on it, it probably isn't an abscess...but still could be....I'd watch it for any changes and just have the vet look at it at the next scheduled visit if nothing changes.

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