
My horse..... has a sting.....?

by  |  earlier

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My horse got a bee sting on her right ear and i cant even ride her cause its so tender. nobody can and wen they try. she like freaks. im the only one that can calm her down. but i still cant ride her.... how long will it take for that to heal?????




  1. Put comfry on your horses ear. It should heal in a couple of days. Comfry is like a natural polysporn (sp?)

  2. bee stings...when i bee stings,it leaves its stinger

    i would highly recomend removing it

    it could get infected,,i dont thenk if u leave it,she can go deaf

    but really look into gettig the stinger out

  3. It may be resolved by now, but I'll add something just in case.  When you think a stinger is still present, you can mix baking soda with water and make a paste...then put some on the will help to draw out the stinger.  Another thing to have on hand is an antihistamine, both topical and paste if possible, in case of allergic reactions which is what this probably is.

  4. it probably really hurts her.  i got a sting on my ear once and refused to move or do any activities. it hurts. maybe she just needs time for the swelling to go down.

  5. go to your tack/feed store and ask what they have for stings, or what they would reccomend. you could probably find something at your local wallgreens that would make it feel better. i know how frustrating this is. my mare got a fly bite right near her bridlepath and i couldn't get a bridle anywhere near it for 2 weeks without her throwing a fit.

  6. Well, typically stings will take longer to heal if the stinger is left into the flesh, so it's probably still there if it's so tender. You might want to call your vet just to check it out and make sure that she isn't having an allergic reaction as well, as a sting on the ear sounds a little strange to make her impossible to ride.

    Good luck!

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