
My horse has hives and an occasional cough...?

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About 2 months ago my horse became ill with a virus that spread around the barn. The vet was called and he was soon put on a steroid antibiotic. His symptoms at that time were swollen legs, a very high fever and he was just extremely unhappy and exhausted looking. After he was put on his antibiotics he made a great recovery and was soon put back to work, but soon after started to develop hives on his neck. These hives did not affect him at all he was his typical happy self and i was not to concerned. I called the vet and he was put on another antibiotic to bring the swelling down and supplements to hydrate him. He was looking great but soon after again the hives returned and were so bad that they dimpled in the middle, but the next day they were less swollen and again he did not seem affected by them. I also recently realized that he has the occasional cough while i am working him out, i have read a lot online about allergies (all mention hives and cough) and i am beginning to think that is the problem but i am still unsure. If anyone knows what my horse and i am experiencing and how to help please let me know i would really appreciate it. Thank You! =)




  1. Coughing is normal when a horse has hives but not at any other time.  When your horse has hives he should not be used at all until all symptoms are gone and he returns to normal. Hives basically is a allergic reaction that you need to figure out what from. Hives are always worse in the summer because of the hot temps and dusty conditions. The heat makes work for a horse with hives extremely difficult and more strenuous on breathing. They need only be turned out in early morning and late evening. Also when you feed grain or hay you need to soak it in water to eliminate dust so it does not worse your horse, and like I said do not work him, keep a box fan on him, main goal is to keep him cool and dust free, also dustless shavings is a good idea, just moisten down his bedding lightly with a hose but don't drench it, you want to just enough to keep dust down while he is in there moving around. And yeah you need a better vet and to get some allergy tests done, and find out whats really ailing him {or her}

    Is your horse light colored? most light colored horses are more prone to pre-fall allergens just like humans are. My appy has allergies horribly all summer long, I always water all feeds down and rinse them and precautions like these and he does better than if I don't. He has problems with all the pollen's and fly's.

    poor guy,  good luck.

  2. dont be too concerned...horses who cough during exersize a few times is a GOOD thing it means they are clearing their throat for more effective breathing.the hives are mosy likley allergies...maybe a food allergy, or enviornmental and im guessing enviornmental so i only know that horses with allergies should be turned out early in the morning and late in the afternoon because mid day is where there is most human activity and all the pollens are at their i know that but for any more tips ask ur vet

    hope i could help! =]]

  3. It does sound like your horse may have allergies, but here's something to help you and your vet figure it out.  Go back to when your horse was first diagnosed with the original illness.  Write down, in diary fashion, what was diagnosed, what and how much was prescribed, how you actually treated your horse and your horse's reaction to treatment.  Try to remember every detail.  Try to remember when your horse went back to work, how much work was he doing, What I'm trying to get at here, is that there may have been something... a very small something that may have changed that in your regular routine you may not have payed much attention to, like a change in your horse's feed, new plants blooming around where his stall or corral is located.  But without going back and really taking a good look at what has happened in the past two months, its next to impossible for anyone to figure out what's happening.  Try going back and writing everything down, then call your vet and see if that helps!

  4. My aunt is working on round two of hives with her Peruvian Paso.

    They still do not know the cause, but she has been riding him & really making him sweat to clean him out & it helps but only a little.  The vet was going to go out & take blood last I heard.

    She did not mention a cough, but I have to say in your case, that a cough in conjunction with a previous illness & a case of hives should really be looked into.  That is not normal.

  5. First of all, you don't treat a viral infection with antibiotics....they are only effective for bacterial infections.  Then you say your vet prescribed yet another round of antibiotics when the hives appeared.  You need a new vet, and you need that new vet to actually come up with a viable diagnosis....and coughing such as this is not normal at all.

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