
My horse has lice, we have dusted him 3 times but hes still scratching, and scraping hair off wat do i do?

by Guest45382  |  earlier

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He got it from our donkey and he has scratched until his hair is fallin off and he has big scrapes and bumps all over him!! HELP!!




  1. You have to get him away from other horses, clean his entire stall, clean all his tack and blankets and everything, and get some kind of product from your vet.

  2. This is bad I think you should talk to your local vet about this is serious.

  3. Lice makes me itch just to think about it. As I scratch my head...

    The way to rid your horse of lice is to worm him with ivermectin wormer.  That will kill the biting lice. Then you need to spray him down with a reliable fly spray. I used Wipe. Pay close attention to his mane and tail area. I bathed my horse with a NuSal shampoo to ease the itching and kept her sprayed everyday for 10 days. That kills the lice that live on the dead skin. Since it is almost impossible to tell which one you have.

    This treatment worked for us with a PMU mare we rescued from Canada. They really are miserable until you get them off them.

    Also instead of getting rid of your brushes and combs, you can spray them down with a fly repellent and then throw them in a dryer. I was so paranoid I started over with all new stuff. Remove the bedding and if you can bag it or burn it. Then spray the stall with the fly spray and rake through it. You may have to wormer him again in 3 weeks, but we did it in one dose. I also sprayed the stall again in 10 days as that is the hatch cycle.


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