
My horse has lymphoma?

by  |  earlier

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just found out my 17 year old horse has lymphoma. he has gotten really thin and i don't know what his chances are? has any one had this problem? should i try treatment or is it more human to put him out of misery? 3 years ago i had a horse die of cancer and don't know how to make this decision again.





    Just some info on lymphoma....It's your choice to try treatment, to try to improve his quality of life,  but know that lymphoma is a tough disease to get around.  There isn't an easy answer for you and you have my might also try a second opinion or contact a vet school for information on cutting edge treatments for these horses with this diagnosis.  Know that others are thinking of you and your horse........

  2. Like the 1st answer i would get a second opinion on the matter

    you may want to put some veg. oil in your horses food if your horse is getting thin. the oil will give your horse more calories

    I hope you and your horse get though this okay
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