
My horse is barefoot but she needs boots when riding whats the best to get?

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i have been looking at the Simple Boots by cavallo. they look like what i need but are they any good??




  1. I like the Cavallo SImple boots.  So far they haven't rubbed, and the horse we have them on is doing great in them.  He's barefoot (obviously) and the owner trail rides him for a  couple of hours at a time.  I got them because 2 other people I know recommended them.

  2. My Haflinger gelding is barefoot, but hasn't required boots as of his third barefoot trim.  However, I'm still open to the option of needing them at any point in time, and have been looking around at the options.

    I really really like the Renegades. They look super easy to put on, and come in a wide range of colors.  They're rather pricey which is why I haven't gotten them yet, as my horse is just fine barefoot without boots, but I really like them.

  3. I recommend EasyBoot Epics. They are on  I know of police departments and carriage horse companies that use these boots on their mounts to protect their feet from pavement and debris, etc...  I use these and they are tough, long lasting and excellent on a barefoot horse when you need the protection.


    "barefoot" it! :)

  5. can you specifiy on which part of the horse these boots are supposed to go onto?There are many boots such as:

    bell boots?

    splint boots?

    galloing boots?

  6. I personally do not have to use boots or haven't had any experience with them but my trainer recommends these boots; She used them on her horse when she foundered on one foot. Not riding her but just had it on her good. And she always carries them with her on trail rides in case her horse looses a shoe or a pad. I think Simple Boots look nice..the only concern I would have about those is staying on the horse's feet. They are on the cheaper side though. It depends why she needs boots. That will help you decide what ones to get her.

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