
My horse is losing hair? is it serious?

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my horse is lightly losing hair on his under chest area and right neck/wither area, could it be a little mange? how do i know if it's mange? i don't think it is because it's not like rough or anything! help




  1. ask your vet. it is probably rain rot though because that is really common. if so it IS treatable

  2. Hair loss can be caused by many things, diet, worms, irritation.  If you are up to date with worming and you know your diet is good you might want to try some MTG.  It is good for skin irritation as well as promotes hair growth.  I used it on my one mare when we got her as she had lots of bald spots.  First we wormed her, made sure she was getting a good diet and brushed her every day and put the MTG on the spots that needed it.  She is now shiny and beautiful.  Good luck

  3. well i'm sure you know horses shed , if its not the amounts that usually come off during grooming I would consult a vet because that is totally not normal!

  4. Losing hair can be brought on by many things. Your horse could be rubbing himself of a fence or a stall door. Also it depends where you live. If you live in a wet, humid enviorment, like florida it could be rain rot.

    MTG works best for both these cases. It will kill any funges and help the hair grow back.

  5. I had a morgan/quarter mare years ago that started losing her hair on her neck & chest also.  The vet took a scraping & found it was fungal.

    He gave me an anti-fungal powder told me how to mix it & how many times a day to spray it on.  I did as he said & within a week the hair loss stopped & new hair was growing back in.

    So, ask your vet to do a scraping unless someone else gives you another idea.

    Good luck....

  6. I'll put it simply. It could be fungal, mange, rain rot, normal shedding, or most likely, sweet itch. Sweet itch is an allergic reaction to bug bites, and it often effects horses during the summer. All are curable, so ask your vet.

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