
My horse is sixteen 16 years old...?

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Is he too old to jump? Or too old to have enough energy?




  1. 16 is YOUNG!!!! If he's being lazy, age isn't an excuse!

  2. Your horse is not too old at all.  Horses can  live into their 30s.  If your horse is in good health and condition then there is no problem.  Your horse will let you know if it is more than he can handle.  My horse is 18 and he is not showing any signs of slowing down yet.  Enjoy!

  3. Of course not. One of my horses is 18 and he jumps beautifully.

  4. No way, he still has a good few years in him. I wouldn't jump him excessively but he can definitely still jump.

  5. omg, not at all. i have seen a 20 year old horse jumping around a 4'6 course full of energy.he wasnt ready to slow down anytime soon

  6. no, he is at a great age.  just make sure he doesn't injure himself, as with any other horse.  heck, my horse is 26 and he's still running around with plenty of energy

  7. just ensure your warm up and un-wind is sufficient to ensure the horse doesn't end up stiff.

    and the horse is fit enough to do what you are expecting.

    i always just do a walking hack the next day to prevent aching bones.

    have fun

  8. no because i know someone that has a horse that is 24 year old and shes still has plenty of energy,,,,shes a lesson horse if you don't want to use her as a jumping horse , hen you can just use him as a lesson horse or a riding horse,,it also depends on the health of the horse,,every horse is different just like every person is,,,

    hope this helps


  9. My trainers favorite horse was a 30 year old named Robby. When they were both younger she won many ribbons with him and loved him very much and still would occasional jump him so I guess it just depends on what kind of shape your horse is in.

  10. let him jump my horse can still jump and he's 23

  11. No way.  Did you watch the Olympics?  A lot of those horses were 16 or 17 and are just in their PRIME.  Sixteen in NOT old.

  12. if he enjoys doing it why not, just be aware of his body language, if he doesnt seem to want to do it, dont make him.

  13. As long as your horse is healthy and doesn't have any joint problems then no way is it too old.

    I was trailriding my old horse when he was 28 for up to 6 hours at a time.  We did some really steep trails and now he is 32 and retired but no signs of joint problems etc, I think it kept him fitter for his retirement.

    Just listen to your horse, he will let you know if it is too much.  That is what I did with my old horse, one day he just struggled on a relatively easy ride.  I retired him to just being ridden in the paddock.

    Enjoy your horse, he is in his prime.

  14. I got my horse when he was 18ish (they lied about his age). I jumped him for 2 years, and wouldve prob done longer, but he had an injury.

    16 isnt old for a horse as long as you take care of them they can live to over 30.

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