
My horse is super sick.?

by  |  earlier

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and i need her to LAY DOWN! she has laminitis, and just got over a bad bad case of colic (she got into a 50 lbs bag of layena chicken feed while we were away.) The vet says we sould get her to lie down t take the pressure off, but the only way i can figure to do that is just to push her over. and im not about to try that.




  1. just get her favorite treet and say she has to lay down to get it!!

  2. You can't make her lie down. The founder is secondary to the colic I assume? When she needs to lay down she will. However, one thing you can do (and yes this is going to sound a bit midevil), aside from the shoing, meds and the things the vet prescribed, wrap the her feet with cotton (buy at the feedstore) and then put a burlap sack around it (make sure you don't cut any bloodsupply off obviously) and keep her feet cool and moist. But, you may ask your vet about it first. It used to work well with my pony that used to founder at times when I was a wee kid!

    Good luck!

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