
My horse is wierd... i think??

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i've had my horse for nearly 8 years and lately when i curry comb him once i get to his belly he picks up whichever leg is on the same side as me and just holds it in place, kinda like a dog when you scratch its belly and it lifts its leg up, i think he likes being scratched there so i always do, but then he starts leaning into me and once he actually fell over because he was enjoying himself so much. is it just really really funny or could he have mites or something that are making him itch? he is rugged and brushed at least 3 times a week and always wormed on time. thanks everyone!




  1. Get sheath cleaning stuff, and some latex gloves and follow the directions on the bottle.

    As for him falling over, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

    Yes, it's gross, but you have to do it, and the vet does it you probably have to pay.

  2. Aw that's not weird its cute. I don't think its anything to worry about. Its just because he trusts you. When he leans I think he just doesn't realize how big he is and he thinks you can hold him, my horse does it when I pick his feet out and he's fell over twice. It just means he's relaxed with you.

  3. Clean his sheath, hon.

  4. My old horse used to do the same, but he used to lift the leg to 'ask' me to scratch the inside of it - as soon as i did that to his satisfaction he'd put it down and let me get on with the rest of him!

  5. OMG _ you are sooo funny!

    Look at it as performing a medical would you feel if you had some sort of infection or bad thing affecting your genitalia - wouldn't you want someone you trust to help you with it?

    But - I didn't read all the comments - it's funny how they act - they tip their heads into your face when you scratch their ears...I once made the mistake of walking in with an unfamiliar TB - he was HUGE!  I started scratching him and soon he had me pinned against the wall to keep me scratching, what an embarrassing predicament.

    Just check with the vet regarding how to tell IF anything's wrong with the horse.  then proceed from there.  He COULD have mites or lice or something but it's unlikely they only live on his belly.

    Consider also that if something's not wrong with him, he's established some trust in you allowing him to touch his belly - I have a couple horses I bought later in life who won't allow people near their bellies of underside of their hind legs.  Then I have 3 horses I've raised from fillies who LOVE to have the undersides of their hind legs scratched.  They also gather "smegma" of a sort on their udders.  I must use Excalibur also to clean their udders - the whole time it's like they're getting a massive massage or something.

    Think about how good the horse will feel.

    Have fun!

  6. If you can't be bothered to look after your horse properly than you shouldn't have it. Grow up and look after it. Pathetic. You've had him 8 years and never cleaned his sheath before. At the very least it should have been cleaned twice a year. You haven't done it in 8! How old are you that you have such a bloody childish reaction!

    Sometimes they don't need it but if you get grossed out at the prospect of doing it then you really shouldn't have that poor animal.

  7. If its only in one spot i wouldnt worry about it to much. You probably just found his sweet spot.

    I use to have a mare that i could make fall asleep my rubbing her inner leg. haha weird much?

  8. no, that horsey just enjoys a good rubbin!

  9. that is really funny. but if someone said clean his sheath, and you dont know how, that means in nearly 8 years, you havent. so the sad thing is, its probably disgusting.

    part of owning your horse, means you need to take care of him, that means doing "ewwwwie" stuff

    which includes cleaning his sheath, so you need to just get over it and take care of your horse.

    im not trying to be mean, but he needs to be properly taken care of

  10. hahahaha

    Yeah, a vet will do it!

    Has he seriously never had his sheath cleaned?

  11. Sounds like he's enjoying your grooming, and he's leaning on you because he CAN.  Just don't let him.  If he starts leaning, a gentle prod with your elbow for starters, and if that doesn't get his attention, either really poke him, or duck away quickly and let him fall/catch himself.  He'll learn that it's not acceptable.

    As far as cleaning his sheath, that's just horsey hygiene.  Yes, a vet can do it if you want to shell out the $$$.  My vet charges either a trip fee or office visit, ($25 on upwards to $65, depending on location) and then $20 to do the cleaning.  In my case, it would cost me $55 just to get a willywash.  I just do it.  It's really not that big of a deal, and if you keep them clean, it's quick and easy.  My boys get done anytime they get bathed to go out riding, so it only takes a couple of minutes each time.

  12. For one your horse is normal, at this time of the year he could be extra itchy because of all the bugs out, so just keep him happy.

    As for cleaning his sheath, yes it's a yucky job, but if you don't do it he could end up with an infection. It's not that big of a deal once you do it, wear some gloves, get the cleaner, and follow the directions on the bottle.  It's your horse, those are the joys of owning a gelding, or stallion for that matter.

  13. He probably wants you to curry comb or scratch the leg he is picking up. That's not that weird... :)

  14. I think he's just enjoying his grooming.  I have a horse that does weird stuff when I groom him too just because he is so into it.

    I've never cleaned my horse's sheath either.  If there isn't a problem, I don't do it because otherwise you remove the natural oils which they then have to over-produce to replace, which can THEN cause a problem.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  15. WOW you have had him for 8 years and NEVER cleaned his sheath!! Wow your supposed to clean it AT LEAST twice a year! Thats crazzzy

  16. It's probably that one spot. The horse I ride really likes it when you scratch him on a certain part of his neck. He leans into you and like gives a sigh like 'ooh yeah.'

    As far as sheath cleaning goes, you can either do it, or have a vet come out and do it.

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