
My horse keeps nodding his head at me?

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When my horse is in his stable, looking out, he nods his up and down with his ears forward.

I was wondering what it meant and why he does it.

Any ideas?

Thank you.




  1. I have always come acrooss that same question. Is he an older horse? I have noticed that older horses always do that.

    It's almost like there bored or something.

    One of the horse trainers I was talking to said that it is a sign of them going lame.

    The guy who gave me the answer is very well known in the horse buisness.

    Idk if this is true or not.

  2. My horse does that too, he is either very very happy to see you or he thinks you have food, i will say if he is doing that, that he probably loves you and that you should be happy that u have a great relationship with your horse

  3. he's happy to see you and wnats attention.

    my horse does that when he wants attention so I hug him and give him a treat and kiss him then back up and ask him a question and he nods his head up and down. its hilarious

  4. He's just communicating with you in a positive way...pretty much trying to get your attention.

  5. your horse is happy to see you want it to be ridden and it wants you to give it more attention like give it a good brush and reward it afterwoods and you horse will be happy or you can try letting it run around in a paddock its putting its ears forward because its angrey maybe you did something wrong. try to find out your horse cant stay angrey at you

  6. hes saying hey there ;) lmao

    i think he likes you if he has his ears forward then thats a good sign. horses thatnod there head up and down while riding may be going lame or have a rock in their hoof.  

  7. He pretty much is saying whasssup s**y, hay did you happen to notice how big my p***s is, come closer philly let me be your workhorse!

  8. He's excited, like he's waiting for you to give him a treat or food, or maybe he's just happy to see you.  

  9. He's happy to see you!

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